Dedicated Servers in Underground Data Centers


New member

Is there an easy way to find out which hosting companies offer dedicated servers in underground data centers?

I've found over a dozen underground DCs, but when I contact them, they're rarely willing to let me know which of their customers are hosting companies. I've been slogging through Google results, but is there an easy way to find out the hosting companies who host from a particular DC?

Unfortunately I wouldn't know of a sure way to identify which DCs are underground. I'd do the same thing you are doing: Google, also check specialized resources like Perhaps they'd have a catalog/database of DCs you can go through.

Is there an easy way to find out which hosting companies offer dedicated servers in underground data centers?

I've found over a dozen underground DCs, but when I contact them, they're rarely willing to let me know which of their customers are hosting companies. I've been slogging through Google results, but is there an easy way to find out the hosting companies who host from a particular DC?


Underground or Overground DCs or any business for that matter will not discuss any of their other customers as this breaches data protection laws and could see then company getting a heavy fine or even worse they could be forced to close down.
Unfortunately I wouldn't know of a sure way to identify which DCs are underground. I'd do the same thing you are doing: Google, also check specialized resources like Perhaps they'd have a catalog/database of DCs you can go through.

Artashes the way i read it uncaged is not after DCs, but wants DCs to tell them which of their customers are hosting companies.
Artashes the way i read it uncaged is not after DCs, but wants DCs to tell them which of their customers are hosting companies.

You are totally right. I misunderstood the request after the first read.

You are also correct that it is highly unlikely they will disclose that info.
What’s your interest in underground data centres? Is it a specific request from a customer or is this something you yourself is looking for?
If i knew any company had given out my details without my permission then i can almost certainly guarantee it would be that last week that company would be trading as UK laws are very strict on privacy and with then GDPR it makes it far easier to have a company break privacy laws to be closed down.
In then UK Data Protection laws (GDPR) means any company has to register with the ICO if they hold details of UK residents. If they break this then they can be reported and have their registration revoked which would make it a criminal offence for that company to hold anyone's personal information in manual files or on any computer databases/files, so in effect close them down.
Here you go underground companies rent out their servers people who take underground are hiding something could be DMCA ignored or torrents and things like that.

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