Tips To Maintain Security On Your VPS Server


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We know that it is not easy to hire a private virtual server. It becomes a little easier when you have been working with the company longer and you feel satisfied; even though is not always like that. A provider could offer shared hosting regularly good, but it could happen that the VPS then does not possess the necessary qualifications as far as security is concerned.
Although security is a very important aspect, we tend to overlook it. If you plan to keep a database or important files in your VPS, with information that may be of interest to third parties, we recommend you take the issue of security in your VPS very seriously.
This is why there are some tips to consider if you want to hire a VPS or plan to do so.
Security advice
Protects logins using sufficiently complex passwords; restricts access by both SSH and IP at the user level. We also recommend disabling direct login by root.
Monitor your VPS It is not necessary to be checking the status of your server all day; since there is software of which you can have to monitor your server, and notify you when a problem is occurring. You should be aware of the queue of emails that are generated daily and check the status of IPs that are blocked by the firewall.
Make backups/backups of your files and settings frequently to be prepared in case something bad happens. Verify that your backups work as they should be. In the same way, your provider and your hosting accounts should always have internal backups with the information of your server.
Recognize the vulnerabilities of your server; for this, you can use a rootkit search engine and also perform other tests to find other vulnerabilities in the security of your server. If you notice something out of the ordinary, we recommend you contact your technical support.
Be always informed about the administration of systems and security tips; as well as you should always be aware of keeping your VPS software updated.
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We know that it is not easy to hire a private virtual server. It becomes a little easier when you have been working with the company longer and you feel satisfied; even though is not always like that. A provider could offer shared hosting regularly good, but it could happen that the VPS then does not possess the necessary qualifications as far as security is concerned.
Although security is a very important aspect, we tend to overlook it. If you plan to keep a database or important files in your VPS, with information that may be of interest to third parties, we recommend you take the issue of security in your VPS very seriously.
This is why there are some tips to consider if you want to hire a VPS or plan to do so.
Security advice
Protects logins using sufficiently complex passwords; restricts access by both SSH and IP at the user level. We also recommend disabling direct login by root.
Monitor your VPS It is not necessary to be checking the status of your server all day; since there is software of which you can have to monitor your server, and notify you when a problem is occurring. You should be aware of the queue of emails that are generated daily and check the status of IPs that are blocked by the firewall.
Make backups/backups of your files and settings frequently to be prepared in case something bad happens. Verify that your backups work as they should be. In the same way, your provider and your hosting accounts should always have internal backups with the information of your server.
Recognize the vulnerabilities of your server; for this, you can use a rootkit search engine and also perform other tests to find other vulnerabilities in the security of your server. If you notice something out of the ordinary, we recommend you contact your technical support.
Be always informed about the administration of systems and security tips; as well as you should always be aware of keeping your VPS software updated.

Hello resellermaster,

Linux VPS will help you in avoiding varied attacks and cyber threats. However, it's not a one-time task – excluding the best security practices, you will have to monitor your virtual private server regularly.

Here are some security measures regarding Virtual Private Server (VPS) where you can follow the below ways to keep the server extra secure,

  • Change the Default SSH Port - If you use an SSH method to log in to your server, there is a risk of being a victim of a brute-force attack. When a "brute-force attack" occurs, it usually means someone tries to log in to your SSH using a variety of common passwords. So recommend changing the default SSH port 22 to another port.
  • Disable Root Logins - The SSH root account should be disabled in all cases for the Linux server to harden your server's security. Disabling root login prevents root access over SSH to your Linux-based machine, meaning that one will have limited privileges, i.e., Administrator.
  • Keep server software up to date - Older the software version, the more vulnerable your VPS becomes. You should run the necessary updates for your operating system. You can also consider automating this process through the cron jobs feature, a Linux-based utility that schedules a script or command on your VPS to execute at a fixed time and date.
  • Use GnuPG encryption - It is a popular Linux encrypting tool that allows you to encrypt and sign your data and communications. It features a versatile key management system and access modules for all kinds of public key directories.
  • Use a strong password policy - Passwords containing information about your identity or simple passphrases are easy to guess. You must create a strong and long password with elements, such as upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. It secures your system against brute-force attacks.
  • Configure & Enable a Firewall - Linux-based operating systems have pre-installed firewalls. You can install and configure a free CSF firewall. This firewall configuration script provides better security for your VPS giving you an advanced interface for managing your firewall. You can also enable Mod-security for Blocking/allowing access to specific IP addresses.
  • Enable cPHulk in WHM - cPhulk is a feature integrated within cPanel. It helps to block logins after several failed login attempts and blocks not only cPanel logins but also WHM, FTP, and email.
  • Install antivirus software - Set up a firewall to filter incoming traffic, and consider monitoring the files stored on your VPS. You can install antivirus software as a security hardening approach. ClamAV is open-source antivirus software that detects suspicious activity and blocks unwanted files.

I hope the information above helps you understand the security measures to maintain security on your VPS.

yes' that's right!!
Security of any type of hosting is a major concern for every business site.
I mainly focus on backing up databases, sites data.

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