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Chillers and fuel cells: the greening of the hosting industry continues
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
By Chris Redman
WebhostingDay 2010: dates, location, speakers
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
By Chris Redman
Web hosting socially and in the cloud in 2010
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
By Renee Hendricks
One man’s data loss is another man’s lesson
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
By Chris Redman
Questions you didn’t know you can ask potential web hosting providers
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
By Artashes Toumanov

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This tag is associated with 1 posts

Twitter works to improve its “worst performing” social site image

So, the days of being constantly treated to the image of the soulful Twitter fail whale are in the past.  The main trending topic regarding Twitter isn’t so often pointing to “is Twitter down?” and, for the most part, social media addicts who savor each and every tweet are getting down to the business of […]

WiredRE to teach Facebook on reliability and infrastructure cost-management

Wired Real Estate Group will host a series of seminars with colocation, cloud, and data center executives who will share their insights for achieving reliable and cost-manageable infrastructure. Among participating companies are such names as CBS Interactive, MySpace, and Facebook. WiredRE provides free global colocation and data center listing service.

MySpace makes their servers green

MySpace has recently installed Fusion-io flash memory cached servers at its data center in order to reduce costs and carbon footprint. It previously had multiple racks of 2U rackmount servers. With server changes, the racks are now smaller and they can hold 1U servers.

Hosts take advantage of social networking

Social networking built on specific platforms is not a new thing; you will recall that MySpace was originally launched six years ago, in August of 2003, making it a relatively old service where this emerging field is concerned. But where MySpace proved to be a boon to emerging artists such as musicians, newer social networking […]