

New member
Hello everyone!

I need to choose a web host for my new site, and have been "searching the globe" for a reliable web host.

I've been looking at Webnow.com, as I thought they had the most competitive pricing - but I want to hear some feedback if you have it.

Thanks for help! :)

Shelly D
I have never heard of them and have no personal experience, but I would suggest that you keep looking. They also don't have much information about hosting on their site, just basic info.
On the plus side:
They have been in business for 5 years.
They have an online site builder.

On the negative side:
If you need full funcionality they are very expensive for the resources offered.
There are hidden charges for features that come standard with most hosting companies.

Also a very big negative, they won't even give you the option to register a domain name yourself and point it to their servers. They insist on having control of the domain.
In my opinion, if a host is requiring the customer to have their domain name with them is just asking for problems and troublesome transfers.

According to their Customer Support, I can have complete control of my domain hosted elsewhere and just simply have it pointed to their server.

For $17.50 I can have it transferred to Webnow, too. This is all I pay, price is locked in.

I've checked into their example sites that are listed, and got rave reviews from these 4 customers.

I like the fact that they have been in business for 5 years. They boast over 65000 web sites, too, so it can't be all that bad.

I created a website using all of their options, and I must say, there templates are the easiest so far that I've found. As well, their Customer support is the quickest with their replies. While they do not have phone support (bummer) , their customer support (I think her name was Sally) gave me her direct email to contact her if I had any questions, including if I wished to speak to a live person over the phone. It seemed she couldn't do enough for me.

I've searched through 10 web hosters, including IPW, and Webnow is the only one that responded to my emails in a personal way within 2 hours - the others took 2 days or more, and then the responses seemed like I was talking to a robot.

You stated they are a little pricy, (For what they offered, I found them comparible to many others) but if I can count on Customer Service, then I'm all for paying a few extra bucks. I want a service that is accountable, as their are too many bargain basement web host providers out there that are not reliable.

Webnow boasts a guaranteed 30 days full refund if not happy (this doesn't include domain costs), so I think I'm going to try it. I'll let you guys know what I find.

Thanks very much for your input - I really have found this forum informative :)

Shelly D
but if I can count on Customer Service, then I'm all for paying a few extra bucks

Well said.

Just to confirm, contrary to what their site says, they do let you register your own domain and just point to their servers?

If that is the case, I would recommend Godaddy for your domain registration.
I have many, many domains with them and they are currently running a $6.95/year dot com sale.

Good Luck.
Webnow does look like a good company.

However, I get this error t Random Times when viewing their site.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

//global.asa, line 80

Why dont you check out all of the people in this topics signatures, theres plenty of us in here COUGH Exize COUGH.

Nah, check with Webnow and find out what the error is, it may be bad.
ShellyD said:
I've searched through 10 web hosters, including IPW, and Webnow is the only one that responded to my emails in a personal way within 2 hours - the others took 2 days or more, and then the responses seemed like I was talking to a robot.

I find this to be very important. An email response does not guarantee uptime, but it does mean that they want your business. It is amazing how many companies don't respond or things fall through the cracks.
I have heard good things about Webnow.com but i would have to be bias here and say to look elsewhere for your hosting needs :)

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