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  1. E

    How to limit connections per ip with csf

    Hello, I will explain to you today how to block any ip address if exceeded our limitations, this is would be useful to prevent small ddos attack from affecting your server performance . Assume you already having csf installed and running : 1) Connect to your server shell and do the following...
  2. E

    How to limit your users database cpu usage on cloudlinux

    Hello, Today i will teach you how to prevent any mysql usage abuse from your hosting users on cloudlinux . Let's do it : 1) Assume you already had cloudlinux installed on your server now we need to tell the installation script which we have mysql or mariadb or percona on our server with the...
  3. E

    How to check your hdd health

    Hello, I will explain to you how to check your hdd health on Ubuntu / Centos let's do it . 1) We need to install smartctl first so connect to your server shell and do the following command : Ubuntu : sudo apt-get install smartmontools Centos : yum install smartmontools 2) Now we can run a...
  4. E

    Using of csf with pure-ftp on cPanel servers

    Hello, If you had installed csf on your server your clients will report an problem with their ftp , they could login successfully but they can't list files or directories. This is happen because we are using csf so there is an solution for our problem let's go 1) Connect to your server shell...
  5. E

    Switch to MariaDB on cPanel servers

    Switching to MariaDB from Mysql on cPanel servers Hello, On most cases MariaDB is providing better performance than Mysql while standing with a good compatibility for scripts that made depending on Mysql . Today i will learn you how to switch to MariaDB on cPanel server and try to fix...
  6. E

    How to transfer whole cpanel websites to another

    Hello, From time to time we need to upgrade or downgrade to different server depending our usage so today i will explain to you how to transfer whole cpanel server websites to another cpanel server with the best way to do that . Let's follow my instructions : 1) If you need to suspend your...
  7. E

    How to limit requests rate per visitor in engintron

    Hello, In some cases we need to limit the rate of requests per ip when our website is overloaded or under heavy ddos attack. Let's follow our instructions to do that : 1) Do the following command on server shell : nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 2) Go to http section and add this after this line...
  8. E

    Using of engintron with cloudflare

    Hello, If you are using engintron and cloudflare you will encounter some error codes 100x, this is happening because we didn't tell engintron the used shared ip address for our website . In my case my main server ip were the ip used in all cases direct && cloudflare websites . I did the...
  9. E

    How to install CageFS on cloudlinux servers

    Hello, By using CageFS on cloudlinux servers we are providing more isolated environment for every user on the system but consider that CageFS will cost you using of additional disk space around 7GB to do this . 1) Install CageFS using the following command on the shell : yum install cagefs -y...
  10. E

    How to install php fcgi handler on cPanel Easy apache 4

    Hello, Most of us wants to use php fcgi handler on newer cPanel versions that's depend on Easy apache 4 only and we can't do this without applying some additional steps firstly . If you decided to use php fcgi handler you must know that you will not be able to use mod_ruid2 or mod_mpm_itk ...

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