[UNIQUE] Great Web Hosting Template

if you buy something for its unique price, it simply means that you are GUARANTEED to be the only person with that template, that is why the unique price is higher.

in a lot of cases, there is a non-unique price in which the template can be sold various times but the unique price stays and it guarantees you will be the LAST person with the template
Don't know if others agree, but I do know that when I bought a design that was unique it was unique in that nobody else had it, not that I was the last to buy it.
PlexiHosting said:
Don't know if others agree, but I do know that when I bought a design that was unique it was unique in that nobody else had it, not that I was the last to buy it.

Ok look, there are 2 prices

non unique and unique

in this case,
non-unique: $20
unique: $200

if NO ONE has bought the template before and they go directly to the unique price then yes, they are the only one with the template

however, if others do not mind having the same template as others, they might buy the non-unique one and therefore, the unique price guarantees you will be the last person to buy it, not the ONLY person

^ not sure if that made sense.. its late, ive been studying all day, and im tired
We understand. My point being that there is no longer cause to call (or charge for) "unique". You sold it non-unique already so there is no longer a way to be the only person to buy it. To say that paying the unique price now only "guarantees you will be the last person to buy it" is misuse of the word unique.

Simply put: You've sold it once, the unique price should be off the table.

I guess anybody reading this thread will understand that they aren't really getting a unique template, so there is no use to continually explain it.

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