Secure your servers with a FREE server security report!


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Free Server Security Scan and 20% All Future Subscriptions

Get a free server security scan from ControlScan, a PCI approved security company, checking your server for over 11000 possible security breeches, plus get free SEO submissions, and increase your sales with the FREE seals!

And, get 20% off all future subscriptions!

Want more info? Want to get your FREE scan? Read below or go to this page and sign up!


Web Developer Concern:
Does your website pass the FBI's and Department of Homeland Security's Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities test?

ControlScan Solution:
Our daily security scan will check your website for the SANS top 20 vulnerabilities, you will receive a daily scan report which lists the vulnerabilities which need resolving. Our hacker defense technical specialists can assist you in patching any server areas that need resolving to get you to meet the SANS top 20 standard.


Web Developer Concern:
Are you aware of your current websites vulnerabilities?

ControlScan Solution:
Our security scan will perform a daily scan of over 7000 known vulnerabilities and email you a report. Our hacker defense technical specialists will help you patch any high level vulnerabilities.


Web Developer Concern:
Do you know if you have any open ports allowing hackers to anonymously access your server?

ControlScan Solution:
Our security scan will scan for all open ports and email you a daily report showing port vulnerabilities. Our hacker defense technical specialists will help you patch any high level vulnerabilities.


Web Developer Concern:
Do you know how to prevent denial of service attacks?

ControlScan Solution:
Our security scan will scan for possible breeches which will allows denial of service attacks. Our hacker defense technical specialists will help you patch any areas to protect your website against denial of service attacks.


Web Developer Concern:
How often do you check to see if there are any security holes in your website?

ControlScan Solution:
Our security scan will scan for possible security holes in your website and alert you in your daily security email.


Web Developer Concern:
How do you keep up to date with recent industry security breeches?

ControlScan Solution:
We constantly update our server vulnerability scans to include the latest security breeches. We will immediately inform you of any new vulnerabilities in your daily security scan email.


Web Developer Concern:
Do you have any idea of the percentage of customers which drop out of your shopping basket before clicking on the buy button?

ControlScan Solution:

On average 62 % of customers drop out of shopping baskets.
Current ControlScan members have found that by placing Hacker Defended and Privacy Protected seals on the top of their checkout pages they have experienced a increase in online sales and conversions.​

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