Web Host Consulting


New member
Alright. No..the sites not ready yet..but I need to get things started pronto. After all..one does not pay for a fleet of serverz with good looks alone..:)

Several things are on the burner..but..to make things simple..we'll start with consulting first.

Never before on these boards have I seen the amount of people who really want to get into this business..but have no clues..not even one.

First ten folks to send me a pm on this board will get a free sample.

What is a big issue? Never rented a server before? What to offer vps's but don't have a clue where to start?

First ten will get it free...one free project. Some people will want advice..others..say..a certain script installed on a server.

From then on...my services and offerings will require a $20 deposit..and then what you want done will draw from that balance.

I'll have everything tested and setup by then. I just feel the need to get the ball rolling.
