Selling $5/M banner ads on | 2,000+ Unique Visitor a Month!


David has 7 ad slots available. All ad slots do not rotate and are on one month rotations. Good exposure for web hosts! Gamers need hosting too!

Each ad slot is $5.00 per month. Currently RomesBlog is getting 1.8k to 2.5k unique visitors per month and 80-150 unique visitors per day. RomesBlog is constantly putting articles and videos. We try and add two articles per day.

Subscribe to our advertiser mailing list! - Know first when an ad slot becomes available and stay up-to-date on special promotions that we may be having!

Stats Located at bottom

Monthly Breakdown:

  • 1 Month – $5.00
  • 3 Months – $15.00
  • 6 Months – $30.00
  • 12 Months – $50.00

Ad Details - 125x125

  • Ads do not rotate.
  • Ability to see your stats in real-time. Must register on the blog to see stats.
  • Ads will be seen on every page.
  • Once ad campaign begins refunds will not be given.
  • Amount of clicks, impressions and click ratio will given via email if required, but can be seen via stats page in your profile.

Sponsored Articles

We also offer sponsored articles on RomesBlog. You will be able to write a 250-450 word article about your site and post it on our blog. Your article will remain there permanently and will never be removed.

  • Quality backlink for your site.
  • 2 links to your site through out the article.
  • Announce your products, services, websites, and ideas.
  • Build traffic, links and valuable feedback.
  • Your choice of keywords for the article.

Only $20.00 one-time fee.

Stats: Last 4 Months

August (1, 2, 3)- 1608 (Unique Visitors)
September (1, 2, 3)- 1977 (Unique Visitors)
October (1, 2)- 2596 (Unique Visitors)
November (1)- 2226 (Unique Visitors)

If interested, please message me on the board or email me at Romes[[@]]RomesBlog[.]net (Remove Brackets)
6 spots still remaining! Also, with any purchase of two months or more I will throw in a free Sponsored Article ad for FREE!

Also, I changed how long sponsored articles can be. Now, sponsored articles can be 250-750 words.
5 Slots Remaining! Also, with any purchase of two months or more I will throw in a free Sponsored Article ad for FREE!

Also, I changed how long sponsored articles can be. Now, sponsored articles can be 250-750 words.