cPBackup - The Best Automated Backup Answer For WHM Reseller Accounts (Free)


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Protect Your WHM Reseller Account
Are you currently using a cPanel / WHM Reseller account?
cPanel / WHM Reseller accounts allow you to hand over the control and cost of managing a dedicated server to a web host and their team of experts. But this leaves the entire fate of your websites and online businesses to others. cPBackup allows you to take back control, automating the backup process. Allowing you to store backups of all your accounts in a location of your choice and at the time you desire.

Feature List
  • Create A Backup Of Every Account In A Reseller.
  • Automatically Include New Accounts, No Extra Configuration Required.
  • Exclude Accounts Based On Username/Package/IP Address/Owner.
  • Reduce Server Load By Customising The Spacing Between Account Backups.
  • Host cPBackup On Your Own Hosting Account.
  • Store Files On FTP, PassiveFTP, SCP, HomeDir, DropBox(In Development), Amazon S3(In Development).

Why use cPBackup?
  • cPBackup automates the backup process of reseller accounts which can otherwise take several hours to complete.
  • No special permissions or skills are required to use cPBackup.
  • There is no need to know your client's cPanel passwords. cPBackup authenticates into all accounts using your WHM reseller account.
  • cPBackup is actively developed and supported!
  • cPBackup can cut hours off migrating large reseller accounts from another server to yours.

Start using cPBackup, because best of all its FREE!


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