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New member
After selling the business and still preparing to move out of the country I created a site with full tutorials that will hopefully help administrators with running certain systems. The tutorials are free for anybody to use and I will be making more and more as time permits (unfortunetly a busy life as come into play these days).

PingPros is a community that has the evolved to having a one stop place for all of your discussions. We are currently encouraging people to join the community and advertise their online bussiness free of charge (1 ad every 7 days only allowed). Get maximum exposure by posting for free! We are a PR3 (close to PR4) site! Paid advertising as low as $5/month!

We currently have an average of the following statistics for March 2006 and until April 7, 2006(copied and pasted here):
Month|Unique|visitors|Number of visits|Page****s
Mar 2006|191|324|2395|8104
Apr 2006|46|112|964|2577

As you can see we expect an even bigger increase in hits this month and our trend is continually growing!

Advertisement Information:
Top Banner Advertisment
*Banners will be shown on all pages at PingPros.
*Banner size must be: 468x60 in .gif, .jpeg, or .png format
*Adult Content banners will not be allowed.
*Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $5/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

Top Text Link Advertisements
* Only four spots are available. There is no rotation. Text Links will be shown on all pages at PingPros.
* A total of 150 Characters is allowed. The underneath the description does not count towards the 150 characters.
* Adult Content Texts will not be allowed.
* Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $10/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

Sponsor Box Advertisements
* Only four spots available per month. There is no rotation. Box must be 120x35 in size. Banner shows on all pages at PingPros.
* Adult Content Texts will not be allowed.
* Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $10/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

Bottom Banner Text Link Advertisment
* Banners will be shown on all pages at PingPros.
* Banner size must be: 468x60 in .gif, .jpeg, or .png format
* Adult Content banners will not be allowed.
* Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $5/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

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