Ableer Web Services, LLC - New Website Design

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Not bad, I like it.. I did see some broken links though, for example your contact us link on the home page where it says "quick links" does NOT go to your contact us page. You should add another package to your web hosting page to have a more symetrical order to it, it looks uneven right now. Also, your WHMCS has no footer.. You want to make your WHMCS match perfectly with your website (header + footer) for a seemless integration. :)
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Your homepage has a stylish atmosphere and you have used a nice script to load various graphics on your site. The point which may be mentioned in here is that instead of welcoming the visitors using your title tag, try putting some header graphics at the top of your site or use probably a video feed which talks directly to the viewers. Your title needs to contain a few terms about your business.

The other matter is that your current business portal is offering too many different services to customers and this might make some a bit confused. Your site apparently is trying to become a major force in web hosting business, right? So if that is the case why are you offering business cards to the visitors? Such services usually are presented to customers via their personal hosting panels.
Nice, clean and a good one ;) .. Best wishes for your site.
I just wondering if you could use any other color rather than green in your logo.
TOS is a little in need of help, you need a few hard breaks in there to sort them out. It reads more chunky style (smashed up, non paragraphs). I do like it and the boarder reminds me of something but I just can not put my finger on it (must mean its time for a new cup of coffee).
you need to put pricecs on front page, header is too big and doesnt say much.

site needs a 2.0 review and more stuff on it
Need a redesign.
Use another font.
Make it larger..looks ugly on wide screens
And definitely a more modern approach is needed in the way information is presented.
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