Agent Black Completes Customer Management System Upgrade


New member
It is with great pleasure to announce that our transition to the new Client Management System is complete. The new system will provide both administrators and clients a much more feature rich environment to manage their experience with us.

The upgrade was undertaken to bring our clients the experience they requested and deserve. With several features including domain management and auto renewals as well as the option to have Paypal subscriptions, we have taken our Client Management System to the next level for our clients.

Current and perspective clients are encouraged to contact us if they have any questions or concerns about the new system.
all your order links bring up a 404 error

Not Found

The requested URL /order.php was not found on this server.
Hmm, you're right. It appears that that part of the upgrade did not complete successfully. Looks like we still have a little bit more work to finish!
Thank you easyhostmedia for bringing this up. NOW the update is complete! Some reason our automated update didn't fire as planned.