Custom CP?


New member
I recall asking on the ancient boards how would one go about getting a custom control panel? From who? Where? :?:
Hopefully we will get some new people over the board to answer this better than i can...... I was told by one guy who only offered shell access that he could make me a control panel by just using a few perl scripts that tell the server what to do :?:
Well i dont know about my own cp, but im considering designing a few cpanel themes, to offer my clients. But, i woudl of thought you would need a dedicated of your own, to install you own control panel.

Yeah Kevin, when of if we exapnd, the first thing to be bought, after a dedicated that is, is a custom control panel. I have a few freinds who are php whiz's, so i wonder if one could be compiled with php and mysql ?

Creating a control panel is hard and will take months of work. I know some friends that are creating a game server panel and in 6 months of work that led to 60% completion. I would consider buying one instead.
Thank you

<< I recall asking on the ancient boards how would one go about getting a custom control panel? From who? Where? >>

Kevin, getting custom control panels .... well, it's easy finding the company to make one, it's hard paying them and it's hard making it. It also depends, do you want them to start from scratch or start off using their base as a control panel under GPL?

<< Creating a control panel is hard and will take months of work. I know some friends that are creating a game server panel and in 6 months of work that led to 60% completion. I would consider buying one instead. >>

HostBlue, it is true that creating a control panel will take months - most likely years even if you want it stable and reliable. My company is planning to create a control panel, we are going to base ours on a GPL one - meaning the base is already done, although it has absolutely no features... however I'm expecting for the control panel to be finished in only 12 months, so I can say your friends must be very lucky having theirs 60% complete after 6 months.
It is true, creating a control panel is hard and takes a very long time, however that by no means you must purchase one... let Kevin, if he wants to, create one. I'm having some of my employees create a control panel because I want my company to be different, and if you make it extremely good - you can even sell it.

WhiteBreeze, it may be true - skinning cPanel is a lot easier than creating ones own control panel. Although, having your own control panels gives your company the edge. Think of NetherWeb and their control panel - I don't know what they use now, however before they made their own. It wasn't "too" good in my eyes, and the skin they gave with it, was well, very very basic. However it was their own creation and did give them the edge over a lot of others. ;)

Also - not every web host has to be the same. Yes, it's hard to make your own control panel, yes it's hard to get everything done, and yes it's easier to simply skin the cPanel control panel - however when creating your own control panel, you create it how you want to create it. cPanel is a great generic control panel, however it is by no means the be all and end all - there are many things in it that I dislike, and many things that I like. Each person to his/her own.

There is no best control panel, however there is the best one for you.
I totally agree with you Anjay. It does give the hosting company the cutting edge :) However, many smaller host cannot afford the development cost of that control panel. Hence I will not put using my own control panel in business plan.

Probably if things going the right way, I will use it somehow :)

Yes, that is very true as well WhiteBreeze - unfortunately many smaller web hosts are unable to either create their own control panel or put forward the funding for a third party to create their own.

I'm sure though if you work hard WhiteBreeze, and look after your company, you will end up with having your own control panel in your business model. ;)

Nice MillerGroup.
Thanks for the e-mail, may actually give him an e-mail and talk to him a bit about it. ;)

Have you any idea on how much he charges and so on?
Is one able to re-sell it as their own?
How long does it take?
Is it from scratch or does he use a GPL one as his base?
Nice Millergroup!

I'll talk to him later...

But is it worth it? I mean, I only started just a while ago. And how good is his job (compared to cPanel)?

WhiteBreeze, I've not yet contacted him - however trust me, it's long, hard and expensive to make a control panel.

Some companies charge about $800,000 to make a control panel, brand new from scratch to your every word and implementing all the features you want. They test it out, work on it, de-bug it and make it so well to the point where there are supposed to be no bugs, no problems and a very good and speedy control panel - however, who can afford $800,000? ;)

Yes, basically put: it's worth it. However, it's very expensive and isn't really recommend to very new hosts. Mainly recommended to those like HostRocker, Powweb, Interland and so on.

We developed our own custom w2k CP , basically to have full control when any tech problem arises, [url removed. Advertising in main forums is not allowed.]
