Do you have a disaster recovery plan?


HD Moderator
Staff member
Simply backing up files to the same server or running any sort of RAID ARRAY does not mean you’ve implemented a disaster recovery plan. A true, effective plan minimizes destruction when disaster does strike, and those plans can either be of the hot, warm or cold category (more about those later).

No one can predict the future, but it’s always best to be prepared, don’t you agree?

Disaster recovery solutions can encompass customers who host data within a data center, host data in-house or who host data with some other provider. Every type of plan has to anticipate and mitigate risks. The best plans include analysis and restoration aspects.

You can’t wait for disaster to happen!

In general terms, do you know if your systems are mirrored and at what frequency? Is it continuous? Daily? Every 48 hours? Just on weekends? You can never take anything for granted when it comes to your mission critical data.

You have entirely too much to lose!

One topic that I seem to see all too often on forums is complaints about how long it takes to restore data and get back online again. This is not something you want to learn of after the fact. How much production or revenue do you stand to lose if your operations are put on pause? This doesn’t even begin to address dealing with frustrated clients and the huge hit this can impose on your reputation.

Business continuity is paramount!

Don’t wait for the unthinkable! Plan ahead for any eventuality by designing processes that will immediately address and ensure restoration and continuity of your business. These can be of the hot, warm or cold variety.

  • Hot sites allow for immediate cutovers
    • Of the three types of plans, a hot site is proactive as production environments can be immediately cutover with a live site up and running in the event of a disaster. These failover in real time providing uninterruptible recoveries.
  • Warm sites are suitable for less critical recovery times
    • Essentially, warm disaster recovery plans provide for near-time recovery of data via a redundant configuration whereby data is periodically synchronized. That supports restoration based on aged data from the last sync.
  • Cold sites typically do not include mirroring of systems
    • Cold site disaster recovery plans are more suitable for data that is not mission critical and thus do not require 24/7 availability. More often than not, this would include space, power and network connectivity in a data center that would be available should disaster strike.
Get serious about disaster recovery planning

I know you’ve heard this many times, but if you fail to plan, you essentially plan to fail. You don’t have to write a couple of hundred pages in your plan. You just need a document, even if it is only one page long, that encompasses the information you’ll need to know in the event of a disaster.

Some things to consider:

  • Match your plan to reflect the same complexity and structure of your network.
  • Don’t overthink your content, rather write only the information needed to respond and recover.
  • Test your plan at least a couple of times each year, or more often if your network configuration changes frequently.
  • If you have multiple locations, it may be prudent to pursue consultation.
Designing a disaster recovery plan does not have to be hard

When we say that designing a plan shouldn’t be hard, that’s relative to the complexity of your network, the technologies you employ and its topology. Successful plans simply define step-by-step solutions on how to respond, and then validate those activities.

Your thoughts .....
Test your plan at least a couple of times each year, or more often if your network configuration changes frequently.

This is such an important point, you can have the most elaborate and detailed disaster recovery plan in history but it's completely useless unless you know that it actually works.

The same thing goes for backups, its fine keeping all of the hourly, daily, weekly backups in the world, but who knows how useful they are if you never try to restore from one of them.
I always had several backups in different locations when i was hosting. even now with my current hosting business (not my main business) i backup my backups. and even use HTtrack to take a copy of websites and these are saved to flashdrive.
I always used to tell clients to keep their own backups but many never did or kept the backups on the same server as their sites.

I remember several years ago i had a client who messed up his website and they come to me for help. i told him to restore from his backup 'i cant he said as it was in the websites folders and they are lost, please have you a backup of my website it is critical i get it back up and running' i asked him did you take out a backup plan with me and his answer was No, so i told him i have our own backup, if you want me to restore from this then it will be £35, he reluctantly paid and i told him not to leave backups on the same server/folders as his website, he was not happy as the backup i have was 3 days old as i just did weekly backups, if clients took out backup plan then their sites were placed n a daily backup rota. he soon took out a backup plan after that
Since I use WordPress to create websites I always UpdraftPlus WordPress plugin to backup my WordPress files to remote storage locations like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive. It is also easy to restore backed-up entities from the UpdraftPlus console with one-click access.
Since I use WordPress to create websites I always UpdraftPlus WordPress plugin to backup my WordPress files to remote storage locations like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive. It is also easy to restore backed-up entities from the UpdraftPlus console with one-click access.
I always had several backups in different locations when i was hosting. even now with my current hosting business (not my main business) i backup my backups. and even use HTtrack to take a copy of websites and these are saved to flashdrive.
I always used to tell clients to keep their own backups but many never did or kept the backups on the same server as their sites.

I remember several years ago i had a client who messed up his website and they come to me for help. i told him to restore from his backup 'i cant he said as it was in the websites folders and they are lost, please have you a backup of my website it is critical i get it back up and running' i asked him did you take out a backup plan with me and his answer was No, so i told him i have our own backup, if you want me to restore from this then it will be £35, he reluctantly paid and i told him not to leave backups on the same server/folders as his website, he was not happy as the backup i have was 3 days old as i just did weekly backups, if clients took out backup plan then their sites were placed n a daily backup rota. he soon took out a backup plan after that
We offer the service and tutorial for our clients to do this and most don't. We explain that any website can be hacked ( a lot of people are shocked to hear this, and that a change on your server or website can cause issues although rarely ).

People ask us what the best way to mitigate this and we say sure to upgrade your security, get a maintenance plan but the holy grail Is the backup.

We always try to explain that it's cheap to create a backup ( free in most cases except for internet costs) , redesigning a website because you don't have one is going to cost a whole lot more not just in money but downtime for your business.

Also, don't store it on your server as said above, even if you have a non-changing website, your hosting environment is changing so backup regularly. It's not that expensive or time-consuming.
We offer the service and tutorial for our clients to do this and most don't. We explain that any website can be hacked ( a lot of people are shocked to hear this, and that a change on your server or website can cause issues although rarely ).

People ask us what the best way to mitigate this and we say sure to upgrade your security, get a maintenance plan but the holy grail Is the backup.

We always try to explain that it's cheap to create a backup ( free in most cases except for internet costs) , redesigning a website because you don't have one is going to cost a whole lot more not just in money but downtime for your business.

Also, don't store it on your server as said above, even if you have a non-changing website, your hosting environment is changing so backup regularly. It's not that expensive or time-consuming.
clients never listen, they always know best, then when they mess up they come screaming and shouting at you to fix it .
as you say it's not expensive to backup.
when i have my main hosting business i got 2 cheap VPS (approx. $2 each) located in diff DCs, did not need any OS etc. and using jetbackup i backed up server to one of them and then mirrored that server to the other server and then with my own websites i did cpanel full backups every month and saved these to an External hard Drive.

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