Feedback on overall feel of website


New member
Hi there,

Any feedback you could give on our website would be brilliant.

First impressions, bugs you found, what you liked, what you didn't - anything you feel like reviewing!

Many thanks in advance for your time,
The ByteCube Hosting Team
I actually absolutely love the look, from design to typography. Clean and concise. Fantastic job.

The only bit of criticism would be surrounding the pop-up chat window. I find it to be a little intrusive to have pop up right in the center of the screen. It blocks the view of the content. The traditional placement of it has usually been at the bottom right of the screen, where it is still noticed, but less intrusive.
I'm sure I've seen this design somewhere else before. Is it a template? I also agree with the chat comment, it's quite a modern design and the chat window looks very outdated. Can you maybe change the design so it's in the bottom right of the template?

Hi both,

Thank you very much. Yes, it is based on a template. I've made some changes but the general look and feel of the site is still template based. I am planning to start making changes over the coming months, but for now the only page I feel needs more work is the landing page.

I have updated the chat comment system - if you could take a look, that'd be appreciated! You may need to open up incognito or something similar to prevent the chance of cached items causing problems.

Thanks both!
I have updated the chat comment system - if you could take a look, that'd be appreciated! You may need to open up incognito or something similar to prevent the chance of cached items causing problems.

Much much nicer. :thumbup:
It's a good start, while based on a template It serves its purpose well.

If you would like some constructive criticism:
I really don't like the sliders for Shared Hosting and 24/7 Support. The grey is not very inviting and it makes the page looks dull... it doesn't flow very well with the rest of the website... maybe make the slides more attractive? it's the first thing your visitors will see.
Love your site, but you might have someone proofread it for spelling errors (for example, montiored) and sentence structure errors (for example, in order to provide to support to you). I also agree with @xtm_mike about the sliders.

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