Glad to be here


New member

Although I've been an IT person for decades, I'm new to hosting. At least as a provider instead of a consumer.

I found after an unscientific search, looking for acommunity where I can learn and ask questions, and with a sufficiently broad group of users to be interesting. OH, and I was looking for a group that seemed independent of any particular companies or technologies.

Am I in the right place?

Am I in the right place?

Oh yes. This is an independently run community. In fact, so independent that even our administrators and moderators cannot own, work for or volunteer for a web hosting company.

This was a really nice introduction, thank you for taking the time. Given your experience I am sure we can learn from each other.

Web hosting is an exciting field and we have fantastic members who have done it all, so the depth of knowledge that is present here is immense.

Looking forward to seeing you around the forums. :)