Hosting website for sale


Hi everyone,

Link to website on sale ::

I had been thinking of making a second webhosting website and launching it, but i guess it was a bad idea to hold to two websites and spend more on promoting both of them instead of spending on promoting only one. So that brings me here to sell that website and instead use that money to fund my other projects. Given below are the details....

The site features a custom template and comes with already installed ticket support system/helpdesk and forums for providing great support for your customers.

Link to website on sale ::
Domain registered till :: 2nd Feb 2016 ($89.90 value)(yes it is registered for 10 years!!)
Domain name is free to transfer to your account on the same registrar
All the graphics used in the template of the website
All the .psd files will be give too.
Resellers account paid for till this month end. You are free to choose whether you want to continue with the same host or change the host. The cost of the current host is $7.99/month for 5GB disk space and 50GB bandwidth.

There are currently no clients as i said it is a new site.

I am selling this auction format.
Minimum bid :: You offer whatever it deserves and i shall announce it here as the minimum bid.
Increments :: $10
Bin :: Best offer....will post the bin once the offers start coming.
Do PM or post your offers.

You may PM or post any queries regarding the site or the sale.

Sale ends once the site is sold. Hopefully within the next 3 days maximum.

The site is on sale on other forums too. So i have the right to sell it to a best offer on some other site too.
The current highest bid recieved from other forums is $30

I will keep everyone updated if i get any PMs with offers.