

Active member
Yeah, I'm not terribly good with introductions and stuff.

Name's Tom, I've been a self employed internet guru since 2002. Some might recognize me from other places *cough*WHT*cough*, just ran across this place and thought I'd pop in and stir up trouble (ok, no trouble, honestly ;)).

Been a computer guy since I was 8 (that's early 80s for you keeping track), first 'toy' was a Timex Sinclair 1000, WAY before the day of the 'floppy' (we used tapes and had to actually program all our own stuff).

Anyways, howdy!
Tom, great to have you join the forum.

I've already enjoyed reading many of your posts and you seem to really know your stuff exceptionally well. You have an unique set of skills and you'll definitely compliment the community well. You've been a computer guy since the early 80s? I won't try and guess your age. :)

Welcome to HostingDiscussion. If you need assistance with anything, you can always PM me directly or open a support ticket.
Welcome to Hosting Discussion. You're still not the oldest one here :) I remember having to fix paper tape drives on typesetters back in the early 80's :) Had to memorize characters to troubleshoot which punch was not working. Those were back in the days of 300 baud acoustic modems and thermal fax machines AND later 8 1/2 inch floppies.

I'm definitely looking forward to your participation here. :)