linux vrs windows hosting

Its hard to find windows customers.
Almost more than 90% website is developing in php or wordpress and easy to install so user prefers more on linux cpanl hosting.
Most hosting environments run on CentOS.
CPanel(most commonly used Hosting control panel) have been built on top of CentOS. We can say CPanel sort of revolutionized Hosting, and made everyone switch to it.

Linux(as mentioned above in posts) gives more freedom in configuring and optimizing.

Windows Hosting is for dev companies who use .NET/ASP, cause they have experience and rely on MS support. I reckon it is a very small segment.

Most of the sites are powered by Wordpress, which runs well on linux.
Linux, Because it has less memory foot print compared to windows. It's more secure than windows. It's open source. Most of the hosting companies too use cPanel and that only supports Centos (Again a + point).
Basically, there are two types of web hosting, Windows Hosting and Linux hosting.

Windows Hosting

The server runs on windows OS is called windows hosting. The programing language Asp .net and MsSql database is key feature of windows hosting. Windows hosting is a fewer’s choice because of its costly paid license of Microsoft products and complex to manage. It is preferred by websites like banking and other high-level of financial transactions are done because of its secured environment.

Plesk and Websitepanel are popular control panel used in Windows Hosting.

Linux Hosting

The server runs on Linux OS like CentOS, Ubuntu etc is called Linux Hosting. The programming language php and database like MySql and MariaDB are key features of Linux Hosting.

Linux Hosting is most popular and widely used web hosting servers because of its open source environment. 95% on internet are on Linux platform because of popular web applications like WordPress, Joomla, Megento, Drupal, etc.
As a less expensive different to Windows dedicated server hosting, a Windows VPS server will give you with a Windows dedicated hosting surroundings at a far lower cost while not compromising your net hosting expertise. A Windows VPS server is right if you need an avid hosting surroundings and have outgrown your Windows shared hosting service
Linux Hosting tends to be a lot cheaper than windows hosting. Does that mean that windows is better because it more expensive or is Linux better because its open source? Below a few benefits of the two. Which type of Hosting is your preference?

Windows Hosting Benefits:

- ASP Support
- ASP.NET Support
- Powerful SQL Server Database
- Access Database Support
- PHP and MySQL Compatible
- IIS Web Server

Linux Hosting Benefits:

- PHP and MySQL Support
- Apache Web Server
- Mod Rewrite Support
- Chmod file permissions

Both hosting has their own benefits as you have listed. Preference will be solely on application requirements.
Well of course it is all dependent first and foremost if you need to use a particular type of software that is solely offered to Windows. If you are not constrained by that then I like many others would highly recommend starting with Linux. Since we've seen some of the positives of both ends let me rant on some of my griefs with Windows based networks and machines in general:
1. License costs
2. Lack of adequate resource material (whereas Linux you will drown in the amount of good info!)
3. Windows requires faster processor, more internal memory, larger hard disk (scaling = $$$ when you are scraping the barrel NOT GOOD)
4. All their "extra functionality" can cause grief and troubleshooting Windows issue is never a certain game unless you entirely dedicate yourself to learning the ins and outs of their system. Linux is so much more neat and intuitive and as pointed out earlier OPEN SOURCE!
5. Piggy backing on that, you cannot investigate backend activities nearly as well in Windows.
6. Windows is an exploiters heaven whereas with Linux there are still issues but if you spend your time mastering this system you will really know what is going on and can muster up a very good defense.
Depending on the website requirements, the OS can be selected.
for example, using Windows rather than Linux is preferable if you enjoy gaming because Windows is the platform for the majority of games.
The performance of a Linux OS could be better if you are a graphic designer or anything similar.
Depending on the website requirements, the OS can be selected.
for example, using Windows rather than Linux is preferable if you enjoy gaming because Windows is the platform for the majority of games.
The performance of a Linux OS could be better if you are a graphic designer or anything similar.

The question was in regard to choosing an OS for a web hosting environment.

Not really sure what games and graphic design have to do in choosing a server OS for a web hosting environment.
Linux hosting is generally more cost-effective, due to its open source nature and lack of licensing fees. Linux is also known for its robust security features and compatibility with open-source software, while Windows is better suited for running Microsoft-based applications.

Overall, the better option depends on your specific needs, budget, and technical expertise.

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