Looking for sponsor(s)

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New member
I recently designed a website for a local motocross racer, and we are looking for web hosting and a domain name. This racer is a amateur racer who travels around the U.S. to race amateur nationals. He is well on his way to going pro, and we hope to see him on TV soon! He currently has over 18 satisfied sponsors that he represents in many different ways. All his sponsors are listed on his web page, and has a majority of them on himself and his bike.

So what I am asking from you:

Sponsor us with web hosting and/or a domain name.

What we can provide for you:

Essentially we can provide you Nation wide advertising. Wherever this young rider travels, in addition to your banner being on the website, your logo can travel on him, his bike, his race trailer, and more. Have something else in mind? Let us know!

We thank you for your time reading this, and appreciate any offers we receive.
I'll give you a hosting account no problem, if you just happen to put my name on your site great :)
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