Offshore VPS Sponsor

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New member
Hello All,

Im looking for offshore hosting for a mmorpg server, I know its not very likely to get something like this for free, but its worth a shot.

First of all, As i said the server would be used to host a Mmorpg, If you want to contact me for more details on the game etc then feel free.

What would you get in return? Advertising on all our pages/forums (We're looking to get 300-500 uv a day in the first week, and increasing with time. A direct link in our menubar (Hosting for example), Im pretty sure you would get atleast a few sale conversions. Also we will be running a VIP server/Donation Shop, So any funds raised from this will go directly to you.

I realise this is a long shot, But you dont know till you ask i guess.

ThankYou for reading.
Sorry i just realised i have posted this in the wrong section, Though i couldnt find a option to delete. Hopefully a Mod can, ThankYou.
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