On Site5 NetAdmin 3 CP


New member
Currently i have been looking at various control panels seeing what they offer.Im familiar with Cpanel 9 and quite satisfied from it...Keep in mind im not a "power user" of any short,"programming" and "scripting" are something that when people tell me about i think the they talk about exotic dishes :shh: and certainly im not the one that could work with a "black screen" (system prompt)

On my searched i noticed Site5 NetAdmin 3 control panel.What i gather so far is that it is like Cpanel ,some people have said its a different skin but the majority say its "more than a skin, a very customizable solution to allow direct implementation of changes to suit site5 server's needs".I couldnt find any screenshots online,nor a working demo (i found one on Site5 forums but the post was outdated and the link broken).

Can anyone provide me with more information,screenshots or a URL where i can find a Demo?

(I understand that this question might be more suited for the Site5 forum,but since im still making up my mind i kind of hesitate asking there and i though of firs asking here... /Zorgoid feels a bit shy of joining Site5 forum without being a customer and on his first post asking "all about NetAdmin3")
I just found that demo, it looks like the same controls as the Cpanel, maybe a little simpler with the navigation bar on the left. Overall, pretty neat since they made it, and proboly a little less confusing then Cpanel.
Zorgoid feels a bit shy of joining Site5 forum without being a customer and on his first post asking "all about NetAdmin3"
I think they are quite proud of NetAdmin and they wouldn't mind your questions. Most hosting companies like to tell their prospective customers what sets them apart from their competitors. :)
Ahhh! Thank you so much guys! The demo of it must be a new implementation since 3-4 days ago i checked it wasnt there (keep in mind though that thisi s their new website so they are still developing it!)

I am trying it right now and i like it!

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