What do you think this domain might be worth? I kno it's a long one, but I think from an SEO standpoint, it might have a pretty decent value. I have had it registered for about 3 months now, but just put a website on it recently. Until then it was parked on my hosting domain. So, it has a little traffic to it, but not much. I realize that little traffic means smaller value, but what do you think a realistic value of this domain might be?
Undeveloped not much more than $20-$30.

Put up a good original hosting information site on hosting and it would be worth considerably more.

There are a lot of royalty free articles out there. Start a hosting related article site and get it in a decent Google position.
- domain: resellerwebhosting
- tld: info
- length: 18
- resellerwebhosting contains no hyphens
- resellerwebhosting contains no digits

Adjusted for word count of 3:
Total internet occurrence value : 2724
Total internet market value : 86.5
Search frequency value : 6
Proper Name Value : 0

Appraisal Value of
- Dollar Value is $3824