Web Hosting Company For Sale (All Must Go)

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I have decided to sell my web hosting company located in W.V. We are a sole proprietorship and we have been serving in the industry 11 months June will make 1 year!

What Do You Get?
- Clients
- Domain Name
- WHMCS License (Leased)
- VPS Info

What We Make:

USD Currency
Monthly: $76.38 USD (30)
Quarterly: $0.00 USD (0)
Semi-Annually: $45.00 USD (9)
Annually: $192.50 USD (23)
Biennially: $0.00 USD (0)
Triennially: $0.00 USD (0)
Est. Annual: $1199.06 USD

You will get the current template witch was purchased here: http://themeforest.net/item/epsilon-hosting-and-business-template/117716

Also you will recieve a template we recently purchased Cost was $63.00 Here it is : http://www.templatemonster.com/demo/30757.html

Call Me - 304-389-9043 Leave me a detailed message and i will return your call ASAP

PM Me - Offers/Questions
You might want to include what kinds of packages were actually being offered. While it's nice to know that there's 30 clients paying about $2.55/month having the actual breakdown on what that $2.55 gets the client might help with the sale.

For example. I'm interested if that $2.55/month gets the user 1GB space and 10GB bandwidth. I'm not interested if the $2.55/month gives the user 100GB space and 1000GB bandwidth.

All of this I'm sure is enclosed after contact, but you may want to add in a little more details.
Also.. Are these shared hosting/reseller hosting/vps hosting clients?

I'm not really going by price here, because I've seen hosts offer reseller hosting for $1/mo...
Can you please send me more information at sean.frank [at] xesolutions [dot] net? We may be interested
Okay Shared & Reseller we mostly sell our Basic Plan:

1) Basic X
Disk Space - 5gb
Band Width - 35gb
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Ftp Accounts
Unlimited Data Bases
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Add On Domains

Disk Space - 20gb
Band Width - 120gb
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Ftp Accounts
Unlimited Data Bases
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Add On Domains

Disk Space - 50GB
Band Width - 250GB
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Ftp Accounts
Unlimited Data Bases
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Add On Domains

Reseller Plans (We have 1 or 2 of these)

Basic Reseller

50 GB Disk Space
500 GB Bandwidth

Can you please send me more information at sean.frank [at] xesolutions [dot] net? We may be interested

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How Much Are you asking for the whole thing.
I mean you gave a breakdown and so forth but have not posted Asking Price.

Please Contact me at Michael@hogwildhost.com as I would like to know what your looking to get, I may take this off your hands if its still up for sale..

Thank you,
Michael - Owner
Hey Deadly,
I have been trying to contact you back, through email and then tried to call you.
I am hoping we can talk before to long as I would really like to buy this from you.

Please contact me on MSN, AIM, Email and let me know what is going on.

Thank you,
Hey Deadly,
I have been trying to contact you back, through email and then tried to call you.
I am hoping we can talk before to long as I would really like to buy this from you.

Please contact me on MSN, AIM, Email and let me know what is going on.

Thank you,

I emailed you back with my cell phone number text me ASAP if you can or email me back I'll try to get back with you way faster!

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