Web hosting plans greatly enhanced - hostingon.com


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Business and Corporate web hosting plans greatly enhanced

It is our pleasure to enlighten you upon the recently-introduced substantial improvements to some of the basic parameters of our web hosting plans. We have considerably increased the capacity of Disk space, Data Transfer and MySQL quota of Busuness and Corporate web hosting plans:

Business plan - the existing 400 MB Disk Space and 5 GB Data Transfer have been expanded to 1200 MB Disk Space and 30 GB Data Transfer, MySQL quota grows from 15 to 25 mb.

Corporate plan - now offers 2000 MB disk space and 50 GB Data Transfer, up from 600 MB Disk Space and 10 GB Data Transfer, while MySQL quota-s will be offered with 40 MB, up from 25 mb.

Both web hosting plans remain priced at the same rate levels.

We believe that through the newly-expanded capabilities of our web hosting plans, you will be greatly facilitated to further your ideas of a strong and valuable web presence.

Best Regards

Nick Bonetti

President HostingOn.com

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