Would you host with a host offering adult hosting?


New member
Would you mind if a hosting company was offering adult hosting?
Would it put you off going with them?

It wouldnt really make a difference to me to tell you the truth but I know that a lot of people wouldnt like a host that did offer it.

As long as the site wasnt effecting mine or the server then it wouldnt matter to me
I don't understand why some people say "Oh I don't want to get hosted by that company, they host adult content." but in reality, what are the odds you are even going to know WHICH sites that they actually host? If it was not on the hosts website, or if you never bumped into the owner of that site in some weird way, you probably would never know unless you actually went looking to find which sites they host.
we allow legal adult content. If the site is full blown out porn we usually give them their own dedicated IP address to make other people on the shared IPs happy. But to be honest I think we only have like 10 clients that would be considered adult content...
We tell our customers we do not monitor content except for legality. It saves us troubles of determining what is adult content and what is not. None of our customers have ever run into issues with it, there are some that choose not to use us but that is beyond our control. To be honest the adult sites are actually very nice as they never need technical support and almost always are very tech savvy.
web1000 gives adult hosting but if your web site links to a page that does not exist it will (instead of the standard 404 error) display porn. I actually have experienced this.
Really? that could be a problem then.. nothing worse than if one of your webhosting pages got deleted or renamed, typo anything and then you get a porn ad up there, potential clients might be turned away, at least I would think they could.
I've thought about thsi topic a few times. Vovex Tech currently does allow legal adult contect on the servers. however I tend to seggragate the clients onto different servers that run adult content. I do this mainly just incase someone violates an AUP/TOS agreement that I have with my datacenter causing the machine to get pulled off line. It would be a lot easier to inform your adult hosting people of the situation than telling other hosters the server was taken offline due to pornographic contect.
Well I might be put off a little if the host was hosting adult sites, I'd probably ask the hosts if I could have a small free trial just to test performance.

We host adult sites, but we have special adult-only servers, not because they slow down the server, because usually they don't, but because the data center we have most our servers in don't allow us to have adult content, so we're forced to get servers with a different data center for adult sites :rolleyes: <_< :unsure:
An adult site, full of images and with hundreds-thousands of daily hits, if not more, could put quite a load on the server as well as use massive ammounts of bandwidth, could it not?
I have an adult site that rents a dedicated server from me. They use about 200 gigs of bandwidth a month and the site itself is very graphic intense. a quick look at their apache status...

Server uptime: 21 days 2 hours 23 minutes 17 seconds
Total accesses: 8692444 - Total Traffic: 140.3 GB
CPU Usage: u365.42 s184.52 cu4.87 cs2.46 - .0306% CPU load
4.77 requests/sec - 80.7 kB/second - 16.9 kB/request
59 requests currently being processed, 8 idle servers

they also run a big forum...

oh the server is a duron 1 ghz with 512 megs of ram...

so to answer your question... no
An adult site, full of images and with hundreds-thousands of daily hits, if not more, could put quite a load on the server as well as use massive ammounts of bandwidth, could it not?

Would this be different from a gaming site which is full of images with the same amount of hits ;)

It wouldnt make a difference what type of site it is being hosted as far as the effect on the server as Mark just showed, those stats are pretty good I think too...
Oh yes, a gaming site would do the same job as a adult site too wouldn't it.. I never even thought of that.. but yeah if it did grow too large, might be good for it to get its own dedicated server for them as well as everyone else.
yeah that is true but my point is that its the same for any site, no matter what the subject so really, it being an adult site shouldnt make a different to the server of the potential customer
I have hosted a few gameserver in my time.. they just take more memory.... I wouldnt run one on less than 1024mb memory. They tend to use anywhere from 40-200GB bw per month. Just depends if it is public/private and how many players.