Is social media overtaking email marketing and what is the current state of email marketing?


No, social media is not overtaking email marketing because it is a powerful way to reach new customers and build an email marketing list. Where email marketing can convert those new customers into paying customers, this is how it is still worth it.

The current state of email marketing:
  • Since the corona pandemic, more than 40% of marketers' budgets have been cut to email.
  • 64% of small businesses use email marketing software to reach customers.
  • Marketers found a 760% growth in email revenue from segmented email campaigns.
I don't know about others but if anything comes to us through email (which is unsolicited marketing) , it is straight sent goes into spam / trash. Its actually surprising to see if people actually fall for email marketing. I am specially talking about emails which you never asked for.
I think we all receive our fair share of spam. I know for a short period of time months ago, I was getting some really disturbing emails and then those dropped off. I do believe double opt-in email marketing still works (who can afford the price of stamps these days). I've actually witnessed a fair amount of clients thanking me for my emails, with one of them resulting in a five digit deal. Of course I agree with Internxt when you get flooded with emails you never signed up or asked for.
Definitely it means they are working for some otherwise why would people spend money on these email blast of unsolicited mails.
Definitely it means they are working for some otherwise why would people spend money on these email blast of unsolicited mails.
Well, I think there's little doubt that blasts of unsolicited emails work, just like some people still respond to Nigerian or Microsoft tech scams. It's far from a perfect world.

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