Recent content by interactive

  1. I - Your Opinions/Advice/Critiques

    Well I've spent over 2 weeks (not "full time" though) on and have it to the point where its just about done. Going through and finding errors, misspellings, areas needing improvement and so forth. For those of you who have time, don't feel obligated to go over the entire site...
  2. I

    Cellular Phone

    Any of you smaller companies using a cellular phone for doing phone support? I don't exactly run a web hosting business, but was thinking about it (it being cellular phones as a business phone). My question is how do you guys seperate calls. That is private from business. Or do you use your...
  3. I

    SCO Presents IBM With Evidence

    Well I figured this was the right forum: Link: Congratulations SCO, you actually presented some evidence. Now only if you guys could present some that found IBM in violation. What do you guys think of this?
  4. I

    Total Members++

    Hello All, Well saw this link through HostHideOut. Looks like a nice forum so figured I would join up.
  5. I

    +Free Hosting Related Advertising - No Joke+

    Yes it's true folks, absolutely free. Go to We've just passed one month of operation and have already 50 hosts and numerous search queries per day. After signing up and confirming your account your site will automatically show up in our listing results and you will...