Recent content by maad

  1. M

    Do you register your business with the government?

    What are the advantages of registering your hosting services with the government for tax purposes or that sort of legal stuff? Are there any advantages or is it just not worth it?
  2. M

    Going green

    There is this whole hype with the environment and going green. Is there such thing as a green web hosting service? You know like some that may be solar powered and such?
  3. M

    Dedicated or semi-dedicated servers

    Ok so I have been doing a lot of reading and research on this here web hosting business and I have yet to understand some things. Like this dedicated and semi dedicated servers. Which is better? Which can make my life easier?
  4. M

    Get rich reselling scheme

    There are a lot of places that guarantee to show you how reselling can make you rich. I'm not too familar as I am just starting but is it possible and is it really that simple to get rich reselling web hosting?
  5. M

    Ticket Method System

    What type of ticket method systems do you offer for support. I'm new to this web hosting business and I have read about some big ticket method systems. I'm wondering if they have smaller ones for smaller hosts. Or is email the best way for support when you are small?