
New member gets visitors from all over the web... from search engines, advertisers, visitors and from list participants themselves - seeing how they compare with others.

If you think your site is good enough to be listed at Topsites... then read on...

What is the List? is a traffic exchange system. Simply put, whichever site sends in the most hits is postioned at the top of the list. The highest placed website generally getting the most return traffic.

How The System Works:


Sites are ranked by the amount of traffic (votes) they send to their respective list. Most of the time, this technique is quite effective in ranking sites as better sites are usually more popular. Getting Votes To receive votes, all that is needed is a link back to the list(s) that the site belongs to.


Anti-Cheat Gateway

To prevent people from abusing the system, an anti-cheat gateway requires users to click twice to get to the listings. This prevents falsely generated votes and also people getting tricked into coming here through misleading links. It also enables visitors to rate the site they have come from, so if 2 or more sites have received the same number of votes, they will be ranked according to their rating.

Instant Updates

Our lists update as soon as a vote is recorded.


• To remain freely available We will never charge for access.

• Not to discriminate. We will rank sites according to their popularity. Seperate categories will give all sites a chance.

You will be ranked according to the number of unique hits you send us. The 'ranking-list' is re-generated automatically and the counters reset every 3rd week. We have determined this to be the fairest way to list the participating sites.

If the sites sending us the most traffic were not given a prominent position then it would not be worth it for them to send us any traffic.

By signing up you will be given a small piece of html code, containing your unique user ID, to place on your web pages. Use this code wherever you wish to link to The Top List.

When surfers visit by clicking on the link, your account will be credited for each unique visitor. The site sending the most hits is ranked #1, the next #2 and so forth. So you see, it is advisable to think carefully about where you put the link...of course you can always put one on every page!!

As an List participant you may quit at any time...just remove the link from your page. Your site will be removed from the database if no actions are recorded during a 3 month period.

However, we know you will be very pleased with the traffic you receive back and therefore, look forward to a long and rewarding partnership.

And Best Of All, Its All Free!

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