Help Us Build.


New member needs your help!!!

We want to make our website a place where people can go to quickly find software offered for their needs, reviews and ratings from customers with experience with the software.

At the moment, anyone offering a product, script, service, etc can have their website listed on

We need hosting companies, etc to help use review and rate these products!

If you're interested in advertising at the bottom of the website or at the top of a specific category, let us know and we can discuss a price.
I'd definately be interested. Give me until tomorrow to contact you. I think I'm going to be changing the bottom portion to "recommended companies" and then add a partner links section and also build in some other things.

Thanks for the offer!
We would like to join a link exchange program too! We would also like to join your sponsership program at the bottom of your site! Maybe we can provide you with a specific need in return for a banner on the bottom of your site! How about it?

Contact us at or on AIM SN: cyberDevX Help , if you're interested!