Testers Needed For New Directory


New member
Hope this is where I post it

Before I go live with advertising I need testers for the script I will be using. Please note that this is testing only and does not guarantee you a spot when it goes live in 2 weeks. It will however get you 25% off of the rates when it does go live, if i decide to charge. This directory will be unbiased, meaning everyone will pay the same price to be placed in the directory. There will be no banner ads that I forsee in the future unless it benefits all of the sites listed in the directory,

Hey good job on the site. From what I see now - the script works incredibly fast and that is a huge advantage.
Thanx for the input Artashes. when we looked for scripts it took awhile to find one that was speedy. As we know most of the directories are slow. For that reason we believe that all the fancy design along with all the images is one of the culprits that factor that in. Another reason why we wont be offering banner ads and such is that I as host know how tough it is to compete with a banner ad as oppsed to someone going in and actually doing a search for a quality host. Ads will not be placed on the site unless it benefits the whole directory.
Ok I finally have the site online fully except the domain name. I am still thinking of a good one. I have calculated the final costs for this and expect it to run in this structure.

1 Category = $1.50 per month
2 Categories = $2.00 per month
3 Categories = $2.75 per month
4 Categories = $3.25 per month

For the remainder of thanksgiving day you can add your links to one category free for 2 months

I am still updating pages and expect to be fully running on December 2nd. I will be posting my own link in one category. So i will not be overflowing my company on the directory.

To signup just goto HERE

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