WebmasterTrades.com - STOP paying $9.95 to sell your site!


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Webmaster Trades
Webmaster Marketplace & Exchange - "Never pay $9.95 to sell a site again!" ;)


Of course, all sites have their own respective aims and purposes, so we'll explain ours nice and simple. We aim to provide webmasters with a marketplace they can utilize to buy/sell virtual goods and gain the most exposure possible, all for free! :) You will NEVER have to pay $9.95 to sell a site again! ;)

We're here to prove that the best things in life are FREE! (It's true). :) Who said you had to pay $9.95 to sell your site? Not us!


  • First and foremost, it is 100% free. You will never have to pay a single cent. It only takes a few seconds to register.
  • It's a fact, noone likes to pay to buy/sell their goods. Sellers want to sell their goods for the highest amount possible, sellers should NOT have to worry about $9.95 fees! Buyers want to buy quality goods, and paying fees to purchase services and other virtual goods is not going to make any buyer happy! You shouldn't have to be paying for these things.
  • You need to register to be able to take part in the marketplace forums, aswell as all the other forums.
  • We have simple rules allocated to each of the marketplace forums. We are not strict compared to other webmaster forums, but we will take necessary courses of action if needed.
  • See it as a benefit. Registering helps build the community and the amount of exposure the marketplace receives.


Webmaster Trades is dedicated to providing webmasters with a comprehensive marketplace where they can easily buy and sell all kinds of virtual goods ranging from:

STOP paying $9.95 to sell your site and register at Webmaster Trades today!