$2/mo Advertising on a PR4 Technology Based Community/Site!


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PingPros.com is a community that has the evolved to having a one stop place for all of your discussions. You can advertise your online bussiness free of charge (1 ad every 7 days only allowed). Get maximum exposure by posting for free! We are a PR3 (close to PR4) site! Paid advertising as low as $5/month!

What we offer?
PingPros.com is dedicated to offering quality content such as the latest technology news and some of the easiest to use and understand tutorials on the internet. We specialize in forming a strong community basis for novices and experts to come and discuss, share, and help others within the IT industry.

What is your traffic pattern?

We currently have an average of the following statistics for March 2006 and until April 7, 2006(copied and pasted here):
Month|Unique|visitors|Number of visits|Page hits
Mar 2006|191|324|2395|8104
Apr 2006|46|112|964|2577
May 2006|151|362|4531|9922
Jun 2006|194|343|2259|4884
Jul 2006|134|185|1638|2879
Aug 2006|99|188|2686|8099
Sep 2006|142|273|3911|7204 (Stats until Sept. 17)

As you can see we expect an even bigger increase in hits the months to come and our trend is continually growing!

Advertisement Information:

Top Banner Advertisment
*Banners will be shown on all pages at PingPros.
*Banner size must be: 468x60 in .gif, .jpeg, or .png format
*Adult Content banners will not be allowed.
*Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $5/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

Top Text Link Advertisements
* Only four spots are available. There is no rotation. Text Links will be shown on all pages at PingPros.
* A total of 150 Characters is allowed. The www.domain.com underneath the description does not count towards the 150 characters.
* Adult Content Texts will not be allowed.
* Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $10/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

Sponsor Box Advertisements
* Only four spots available per month. There is no rotation. Box must be 120x35 in size. Banner shows on all pages at PingPros.
* Adult Content Texts will not be allowed.
* Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $10/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

Bottom Banner Text Link Advertisment
* Banners will be shown on all pages at PingPros.
* Banner size must be: 468x60 in .gif, .jpeg, or .png format
* Adult Content banners will not be allowed.
* Currently Pricing is as follows: Your banner will be in the rotation for one entire month (upon initial placement of your banner) for only $5/month. We can only accept paypal payments.

SPECIAL! PLACE YOUR AD/BANNER ON ANY LOCATION (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) FOR ONLY $2/mo (2 month maximum payment allowed with special!)


We accept paypal payments only.

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