
Bitcoin decreased visible, so what do you think about the future of cryptocurrency ? Some people say the cryptocurrency will take us in a new era, others say it won't have great future. What is your oppinion about these virtual coins ? This will be the future, will grow signifiant, or will die ?
Bitcoin decreased visible, so what do you think about the future of cryptocurrency ? Some people say the cryptocurrency will take us in a new era, others say it won't have great future. What is your oppinion about these virtual coins ? This will be the future, will grow signifiant, or will die ?

other posts in the forum about this , these will die as some countries are already banning them as a currency
2018 is proving to be a brutal year for VC, whether bitcoin or not. Honestly, I'll be surprised to see if it survives the year.

Of course, I've been wrong before, but yeah, no.... Likely that this will be a very, very bad year for VC
Of course, cryptocurrency started the year really bad, but both of you are thinking that virtual coins will die ( if I understood correctly ), but a lot of people say this is the future.
I would like to start mining VC ( of course not bitcoin because is a biggg competition on it ), but I do not know if it will be profitable.
In 2013, was shut down by USA government. Very interesting, I did not know this. Thank you for response.

Criminals start using these to launder money as they are untraceable (so they think) , then once authorities get involved they get closed down and genuine users lose millions
They have surely passed their best times. Its a NO for me. May be still an option for people with black money.
I don't think cryptocurrency will die, it's just most people still aren't used (probably older people), if it survives at least 1 generation, i think cryptocurrencies can definitely settle in world economy
I don't think cryptocurrency will die, it's just most people still aren't used (probably older people), if it survives at least 1 generation, i think cryptocurrencies can definitely settle in world economy

you need to google cryptocurrency and you will see many issues.
also as i stated Liberty Reserve ( first cryptocurrency) was fine until it stated to get used by criminals and eventually closed down by the authorities losing genuine users Millions of dollars.

The same thing will eventually happen with bitcoin etc.
I'm aware of it, and the anonimity that some cryptocurrencies offer to their users for transactions, but it is a price to pay in exchange for using the technology, also this can help people from underdeveloped countries to acquire goods or save their money against inflation (i.e. african countries), it would be nice to have some day statistics comparing how impactful these cryptocurrencies help people against how it helps criminals. We have the case of Ripple, which is initiative of the banks to enter in this world too (correct me if i'm wrong) this shows how interested they are into this.

I must say i'm not a expert in this world of cryptocurrency but for everything i've read i think it offers more benefits than not.
I'm aware of it, and the anonimity that some cryptocurrencies offer to their users for transactions, but it is a price to pay in exchange for using the technology, also this can help people from underdeveloped countries to acquire goods or save their money against inflation (i.e. african countries), it would be nice to have some day statistics comparing how impactful these cryptocurrencies help people against how it helps criminals. We have the case of Ripple, which is initiative of the banks to enter in this world too (correct me if i'm wrong) this shows how interested they are into this.

I must say i'm not a expert in this world of cryptocurrency but for everything i've read i think it offers more benefits than not.

read these and they say a lot
I had a brief reading on those links. You know, all of this is a new paradigm in economy, it is normal for people to be concerned about it. And who tries to stop it are the persons well established in the same centralized entities (banks), who can say with 100% of certainty that they don't make illegals movements?, if you have a company, you will do whatever is in your hand to be the top and the most predominant, and it is what they are doing.

I believe this is will be something very good for society in the long term.
I had a brief reading on those links. You know, all of this is a new paradigm in economy, it is normal for people to be concerned about it. And who tries to stop it are the persons well established in the same centralized entities (banks), who can say with 100% of certainty that they don't make illegals movements?, if you have a company, you will do whatever is in your hand to be the top and the most predominant, and it is what they are doing.

I believe this is will be something very good for society in the long term.

so you read the last link where the 3 largest bank groups have banned cryptocurrency purchases through their cards.
In Banking it will soon be that other smaller banks/card providers will do the same.
All it will take is Visa and Mastercard to follow this ban and cryptocurrencies will fail