domain name choosing

My advice would be to get something that is unique to you. Shorter is better but as long as it's easy to remember and spell, you're OK.

I don't know who owns but it's probably wasted money...that's like "Appliance Sales and Service". I would never remember that name. But I could rattle off twenty shared hosting company names, because they all have unique names.

Really, is such a great name?

The archetypal example of how branding works, in my mind, is 37signals. What does that mean? There is a meaning (which is irrelevant to their business), but the point is that they've built a great business providing project management online - indeed, they're one of the big leaders in that space. But the actual company name is meaningless by itself - it's the association with their suite of products that makes it work.

Google, Twitter, etc. - the world is full of meaningless names. Build a brand.

I would definitely get a .com, and be prepared to spend a night or two running variations through whois, using a thesaurus, etc. to find available names.
This is a very useful thread! I wish I would have seen it before I registered my domain name. Mine is short, which is fantastic, but in terms of getting the name out there, it's not so likely to accomplish much. I just chose a name that I normally go by on other forums. People who know me would access my site, but the several billions who have no clue who I am will probably miss out on what my site has to offer until I start advertising like a madwoman.

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