Getting bored with domain names


New member
It is not really a technical issue with my domain names. I have a habit of creating "great" domain names and registering them, only to end up getting bored with the domains after a few months (in some cases even a few weeks). What would you do with such domain names, if any?
I sometimes regret 'impulse' purchasing a great domain name then realising I don't have the time/motivation to develop it. You can normally find a buyer though, I've had some success on the Digital Point forums selling domain names and also on Sedo.
If your domain sparked your interest in the first place, I'd convert it to a mini site and use it as a feeder site to one of your other websites.

You can never have enough feeder sites!
If your domain sparked your interest in the first place, I'd convert it to a mini site and use it as a feeder site to one of your other websites.

You can never have enough feeder sites!
Great advice, Conor. I have some feeder sites that pull in a ton of traffic.
How much effort do you need to put into creating these feeder sites? Is it simply a case of putting together some content and a theme? I've heard Google and other search engines don't take lightly to 'minisites' aimed at directing traffic.
Google doesn't like doorway pages, but mini-sites, if done correctly will have no problems.

We use more than 200 domains for our hosting company. Each one of them are showcasing our website in a different light.

Google doesn't like duplicate content or misleading sites - however you can easily use multiple sites and then point them into your main site (or checkout area).

For us, our sites are stand alone sites with 5-10 pages of information and then a link to our order page.

Creating junk sites, mis-information sites, or sites that just spew RSS feeds are not what we're talking about in this case. We're talking about true individual sites that then link to other pages or order forms.

I also wanted to clarify that these are not redirect sites, doorway pages/sites or things of that nature. These are targeted niche sites that are dispaying content and links to our order forms - no adsense or banner networks. No other form of revenue generation. For example, we use and sell a product called X-Cart (and online shopping cart software). We have a specific site setup with all the details for X-Cart and how it works in our system. We also have a specific site for X-Cart Cloud applications, and ones for various other shopping cart and online forum software.

These are individually designed sites with their own themes, templates, content and other information. No violation of Google Guidelines when you do it this way. The violations happen with doorway pages.
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Great advice and specific explanation about how to properly setup and utilize mini sites. If you still don't want to use your domain purchases for something of this nature(and why wouldn't you) you can almost always unload them at an auction site for domains. Maybe not for the best price but I think a sell might be better than having them sit in you pocket for too long.
A good microsite can work wonders, its the spammy article spinning sites with broken english that get penalised by the great Google (and rightly so).

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