ldcdc joins HD staff as a Moderator.


Staff member
In his profile, Dan Lemnaru (a.k.a. ldcdc) humbly says he is "learning about hosting". In reality he understands many things other hosts have problems with - and that is the sense of doing business right and keep ethical standards high.

Dan joins HostingDiscussion team to become the first Moderator under such title. His reasoning and strong belief in the good side of the industry has left us with no chance but to ask for his help in building this friendly and professional community. He accepted.

So please, give a warm welcome to Dan/ ldcdc as our new Moderator.

Congrats Dan!

On behalf of all HD staff,
Welcome aboard Dan.
You are the first Moderator that I know from Romania.

You will be a good addition to the forum.
Thank you Artashes and Blue for the welcome. :) I sure hope I will do a good job as a moderator here. That's my main goal. It will take a bit of time to get used to things, but I will do my best to be a fine addition to your team.

I'm really honoured to be a moderator on HD. I was very surprised to be offered such a position, especially so soon after my arrival on these boards.

You are the first Moderator that I know from Romania.
That's not much of a surprise, Blue. I doubt there are many moderators from Romania, especially on hosting forums. :)

Thank you again! ::bows head::
Thank you mvcnet!

Shh... I'll tell you a little secret: I do consider it an achievement. ;)

And thanks once again Artashes, Blue and Orioli!
artvision said:
ldcdc this way you will have less time to "learn about hosting". ;)
Actually, you are wrong here. Getting inside the hosting problems and constant supervision gives you a better picture of the industry. When I became a mod, my understanding of most issues improved dramatically.

Sounds good to me, Art.

I must say it certainly marks a change in attitude. I feel more involved. :)