Looking for clients!


Fusion-Hosts.com is looking for more clients to expand our client base. We have done this deal in the past and it has worked great for us. I would like to go into a bit of detail on what I am asking.

If you wish to get out of the hosting business and wish to sell/give away/or trade your hosting company to someone, not why Fusion-Hosts? We will take your clients, put them in a friendly environment with friendly support and take good care of them.

Fusion-Hosts will offer you 25% commission for each client given to us for the life of that client. Our server admin will move and transfer all the clients over so there is nothing you have to do. We will take care of everything.

You will be paid on the 1st of each month. We can pay through PayPal, and Alertpay. We can discuss other methods if needed.

ALL clients must be using cPanel.

If you are interested in this offer, please contact me by email. Romes[@]Fusion-Hosts.com
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This is True, I am a client of Fusion-Hosts.com and for atleast 2 months lets say not even one down time that I know about, They are fast. The affilation schem is goood too.