Need an Internet Marketer


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Need an Internet Marketer

someone who can sit there all day and get web sites listed in directories, submitted to search engines, post on specific and focused forums with the urls in their signature file and do general contacting of other webmasters to offer partnership ideas.

I am willing to pay $1-5 for each directory you can get a domain name listed in, $5 for top ones and $1 for the lower ones. Link Popularity is very important and definitely helps.

WIlling to pay Cash, web hosting, domain purchasing, give you percentage ownership of domains and other perks.

Right now my focus is on my four discussion forums that are networked.

:dance: :snowman:

I am interested in your offer. Are you on AIM or MSN so we can discuss this further. I am more than willing to help you with whatever you need however I would like to ask some questions when we get to speak.

Thank you.
To clarify this offer, I don't want to spend too much cash. Maybe under $50 however I would like to barter for a few hundred dollars worth of other stuff like web hosting, percentage ownership in the forums which means when they become successful you would get a cut of the revenues etc...

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