"Not Secure" is upon us! Everyone needs an SSL.


HD Community Advisor
Staff member
It's official - today, July 24th, 2018, with the release of Chrome 68, websites that do not have an SSL Certificate installed and running will receive a "Not Secure" notice in the browser bar.

I'm not going to dig up the older threads about what SSL people should buy, if free ones are worth it etc - please discuss that in those threads - the fact of the matter is that you now MUST have an SSL Certificate on your website.

Google has been pushing it this way for the past year or so, Mozilla Microsoft and others have been on board too. If your website is not showing in HTTPS mode, your users will see "Not Secure" and this could potentially convince them to leave your website.

So, get your SSL's from your favorite SSL provider and install it on your site. Update your newsletters and let your clients know that they too should have an SSL on their sites too.
Ah! The day has finally come. :)

I seriously appreciate you keeping everyone here updated on the latest. I am sure there are a bunch of webmasters who have not yet taken the time to add SSL certificate to their website.

If you don't mind, I'll refer people to your latest article that I noticed you've updated, if they wanted to learn more about the reasons and effects of this push by Google: https://www.bigredseo.com/google-warning-sites-without-ssl-https/
It's official - today, July 24th, 2018, with the release of Chrome 68, websites that do not have an SSL Certificate installed and running will receive a "Not Secure" notice in the browser bar.

I'm not going to dig up the older threads about what SSL people should buy, if free ones are worth it etc - please discuss that in those threads - the fact of the matter is that you now MUST have an SSL Certificate on your website.

Google has been pushing it this way for the past year or so, Mozilla Microsoft and others have been on board too. If your website is not showing in HTTPS mode, your users will see "Not Secure" and this could potentially convince them to leave your website.

So, get your SSL's from your favorite SSL provider and install it on your site. Update your newsletters and let your clients know that they too should have an SSL on their sites too.

This is a big step from Google towards encrypted and secure web.
Though they had reduced SEO ranking for http websites from few years, this is a visible step which will make a good impact.

Thank you for this info.
Is this a done and dusted deal? I still see a heck alot of websites that are still on http and rank well ( despite the insecure "warning"). I would have though the users running in terror ( bouncing ) and destroying your user metrics would have dropped website ranks by now. It hasnt. Google can talk alot of rubbish sometimes.
If you look at the ranking results, the majority are going to be using SSL. There's still a number using HTTPS connections, but most of them have been converted (even if it means a temporary drop in rankings).

The move to SSL will become more visible when HTTP just stops opening :)
I agree too, sites should have the added layer of security. In a world of where data is being breached it's important to have it encrypted and secure (especially if you are storing it as a provider).
I agree too, sites should have the added layer of security. In a world of where data is being breached it's important to have it encrypted and secure (especially if you are storing it as a provider).

Yes. if major corporations like BT, Talktalk, Microsoft who spend millions of $$ on security can get hacked then what chance has small online businesses