Please view my site - looking for suggestions

New member

Looking for feedback and suggestions.

We have put together a web hosting directory and a web designer directory by state. For only $10 per year you can be listed in bold text near the top of the page or if you would like to be listed for free, we only ask for a link back to our site from your home page. What a great deal!!!! Thats less than one dollar per month. I know everyone has that to spend!! Otherwise you wouldnt be in business. Lets face it, to make money you have to spend money. At hosttrail, we are giving you the opportunity to get your name out there for nearly nothing!!! $10 for the year, well worth it. Our search engine placements are great and getting better every month. Dont miss out on this deal before the prices go up.

Get your site listed today!!!!!!!!!!
your site looks good maybe you might want to think about moving it into the center of the page instead of pushed to the left of the page.

ok than that i don't see anything wrong with it :)