Su to ftp user?

Why would you want to do that?

The less access through "root" the better. Even when accessing a server via Shell, ROOT should be locked down so that a user must shell in with a username, then SU to root. But on an FTP level, why would you want to do something like that?
nope just finding out the harm a ftp user can do,or the things he/she can find out about my server with a simple ftp account thank you men

but I already know you cant su with a ftp account only with a user account
Yeah, not really possible with FTP, and not possible with sFTP either. That's not to say that they can't gain root access if your system is not secure. They could potentilaly use FTP to access the /etc/passwd files, download that, then they can extract and use toot passwords to access the machine later - or enable shell access to then allow an SU command.
Ye maybe well you are saying accesin etc dir since passwords are not stored in passwd but in shadow but still you got some point there,so what type of hardening do you think would help so they wouldnt gain access thru ftp?
thank you,hows about ur smoking how many cigars do you smoke daily? would bet 20 ,and thirty on weekends just like a freaking teenager jojoj
anybody can tell me how to protect my server from a ftp installation made by an assigned ftp user into x dir?

To sudo ftp then hit return. You will then be prompted for the superuser password. Type it in, hit return, and you're FTPing as the superuser (as long as your FTP daemon is configured to accept the superuser as a remote login; sometimes they're default configured not to for security reasons).

Hope this helps.

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Deal with O.S

Hello friend,

this issues include in Dealing with O.S.
Harden you kernel of O.S and make sure to stipulate separate internet accessibility with user friendly functions.

Thank you

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