Demand for reseller hosting

Reseller hosting will always have a demand. As for panel pricing going up, ultimately it affects the market evenly so the playing field is the same with the difference of resellers having pressure to to increase prices across the board.
Like everything prices increase, so businesses should take this into consideration when working out their prices.
It is fine to say right I am happy with my prices being $$, but when someone takes out a plan and you say the price they pay is guaranteed for the term of the hosting, then 2 years down the line your own services/panel prices increase massively, but you guaranteed you won't increase your prices to your clients, so now you have goto take the increase hit without any extra income.

so when working out your prices you should be thinking of the future and possible increases that will impact you. and work these into your prices.

yes you can't predict how much increase if any but adding an extra 5 to 10% onto your prices when working these out will help if increases happen and all your competitors are increasing their prices while yours remain the same as you factored in enough to manage the increase.
I don't think you will have to compete with kiddie hosts for long. If they make little to no profit, the first time they have a server issues which takes out 100s of domains, they won't have the resources to fix it in a timely manor and they will disappear.
The pricier hosts are pricier (hopefully) because they have taken measures to not go wrong in the first place, and to be able to perform disaster recovery efficiently.
I don't think you will have to compete with kiddie hosts for long. If they make little to no profit, the first time they have a server issues which takes out 100s of domains, they won't have the resources to fix it in a timely manor and they will disappear.
That's been happening for years, the number of clients I got that stated they got an unlimited plan on eBay and had issues, then their host vanished along with their websites and they could not get their files back as the host was not replying to them.
I have noticed Reseller Hosting demands have decreased in the last few years, but small IT companies still prefer to have one so you can not just stop this service.

We converted Reseller hosting to Managed VPS Hosting with a small increment in pricing but here customers are getting dedicated resources and full access to their server.
There are still those that want to offer hosting services and do not have the time and/or experience to setup their own servers that will have a need for reseller hosting.

With other control panels gaining traction, the effect of the cPanel price increases is lessening more and more for those choosing to offer panels other in addition to cPanel, such as DirectAdmin, etc.
Starting business with cPanel reseller hosting is always a good idea, because you don't have to pay separate price for cPanel / WHM license, what is required if you start business on VPS or Dedicated Server. Moreover, cPanel Reseller Hosting is fully managed and therefore you don't have to worry about technical issues you or your customers may have, you just forward them to the parent company and their techs will take care on them.
Cheaper, reliable, cost-effective ;)
Starting business with cPanel reseller hosting is always a good idea, because you don't have to pay separate price for cPanel / WHM license, what is required if you start business on VPS or Dedicated Server. Moreover, cPanel Reseller Hosting is fully managed and therefore you don't have to worry about technical issues you or your customers may have, you just forward them to the parent company and their techs will take care on them.
Cheaper, reliable, cost-effective ;)

Point 1 in RED: NO you don't need cPanel/WHM to start a business on a VPS or dedicated server, plenty of other panels like Direct Admin, can be used/

Point 2 in BLUE: cPanel hosting is NOT fully managed. if you have shared/reseller hosting then yes the host is responsible for managing the server, BUt of you have a VPS/Dedicated server then by default these are unmanaged and upto you to maintain, etc. you can choose a managed option, but would pay extra for this.
Still plenty of demand. People need it for several reasons. For some it is preferable to have reseller hosting just so they can seperate different websites to different accounts. Either because they do work for clients or just pure security. Many people still want to enter the industry and reseller hosting is probrably the easiest and cheapest way to gauge if you can market yourself at all.

As a provider, I'd say reseller hosting is a good offer. It's one of these places where you safely can oversell since a majority of reseller projects doesn't pan out. Just be sure, to act if resources actually gets used.
Reseller hosting is very popular because it is a cost effective way for an entry level person to enter the hosting market and the profit margins that can be reaped from such a venture are sky high.
It's still in demand, but I think it's getting less. We are pretty straight-up about it without clients. You can get it for a Dollar or you can get it for 200 Dollars. That nice new expensive website you bought MAY not be as secure, and may not perform as well, you get what you pay for. We also tend to include content updates with our websites with limits of course. This seems t go down well with most small business owners. We tried VPS there a lot of management involved I it. We are happy to have a reseller whos really good at what they do and still provides us quite a lot of access to the backend stuff so we can sot out smaller issues faster.
I am in this hosting field for a long time and I have quit providing reseller hosting services. Demand is low as well as cost is going high so margin is decreasing.
Don't sacrifice security and quality. It is not ideal to jump into affordable web hosts in which in the long run can lead to many problems such as web site accessibility and, worst, shutting down of web site.

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