Domain Name Availability Lookup?

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Every search on the domain registrar tool are monitored. If registrar feel the domain name search could be premium then gets registered and offered for sell on higher prices. I'm telling this from my personal experience.
I remember a few domains that I searched for that were registered. That has only happened to me on but not on
There was even a domain I added to my cart on and I waited a few days to register it to only find it had already been registered.
If i want a domain, i will usually check this with a few registrars to make sure it is available as some dont always tell the true facts. Also if its a .uk domain i will check on the nominet site
Almost all website registration companies are providing a facility to check domain name availability.
Yes, that is possible.

But I suggest, to go with trustful brands, which might have policy for this. Better ask via support.
I thought Network Solutions were a trustworthy domain registrar seems like there just one of them scam sites who do anything to get more money, that's out of order doing what they did i won't be using them again.
Look no further than Network Solutions. They're the most guilty of nabbing the good domains up then selling them.
Its an abuse of their position and spent a lot of time trying to justify an abuse of their position and should be reprimanded severely for continuation of bad practices.
Where do you check for domain name availability? Is it dangerous to search for a name multiple times because I've heard that repeated searches on original ideas are monitored or is this an urban legend?
Hi there,

There's no danger in checking a domains availability. To check a domain's availability you can use the websites or (for .eu domains). If the domain is already registered, it gives you additional information as well. Cheers!
I do not use Godaddy for domain searches, due to having issues with a domain I was looking up having been taken. I usually use a domain name generator and put key words I want in and then see if the domain is take or do a tracerout lookup on and usually that can tell me if it is registered or not and its simple.
The majority of domain name registrars provide this service at their domain search tab - just simply click on the x or whois - this can differ between registrars.
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