Looking for a VPS with cheap directadmin license


New member
As the title says please suggest me a VPS with cheap Directadmin license. I am low on budget. Location must be USA.
I am just starting so any 2 to 4 Gb ram vps will do. I will addon resources later as per requirement. Main thing is directadmin license should be valid and for unlimited accounts.
I checked out knownhost pricing and they provide free directadmin with 20$ and higher VPS plans. blesta is @ 5$. There must be cheaper alternatives out there.
I'm sure there must be cheaper alternatives out there, but I highly doubt they offer the same quality of service. Sometimes hard dollar savings surface as soft dollar headaches down the line.
You say you want unlimited accounts, so personal versions of DirectAdmin are ruled out, and it looks like you want to become a host.
If you cannot find $25 a month for your server and software, I would guess that your service quality would not be sufficient to service customers in this day and age.
Don't become the type of host we all moan about. Otherwise, you may not last longer than your first bad review.
If someone does manage to hack their network and servers, what is their guarantee of being able to restore your data? What measures do they have in place for this?
they are great. they tell me of issues before i notice them. a few months back i had some idiot hacked into my main website and exactly at 1 am they took the website down. they keep restoring my website. as this was happening at the same time every night (they kept using diff IPs), so between them and me we devised a plan to suspend the site overnight. did this for a full week and since then no further issues
The big thing for me is the uptime, and reliability, alongside good prices (in comparison with quality) and I also like to see some good support just for peace of mind.
The big thing for me is the uptime, and reliability, alongside good prices (in comparison with quality) and I also like to see some good support just for peace of mind.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. These are likely the most crucial aspects of the job. When the client perceives that there are specialists in contact and all issues will be resolved promptly.
Any other configurations and software for a VPS server or dedicated server can always be established using external programs or by writing the necessary code.
The big thing for me is the uptime, and reliability, alongside good prices (in comparison with quality) and I also like to see some good support just for peace of mind.
yes crucial is uptime of server/websites , reliability of not just server, but of host, and round the clock support ( does not need to be live support), but an extensive FAQ/KB, which will help clients sort minor issues out themselves if they can.
I ran my hosting business as a 1 man band for 18 years and no one suffered lack of support. My clients knew when i would be available in person, which was normally 8am to midnight, but never left a client in the lurch. If a client contacted me at 23:58, i would not say its midnight contact me in the morning, i would stay with them until issue was sorted. i remember 1 time a client contacted me at 11pm and i never finished sorting their using until 10am the following morning
If your web host has outgrown its shared web host solution, it may be time to move it to virtual web hosting, which is often seen as a low cost alternative to getting your own dedicated server.

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