Reseller program

It should contain what you can afford to provide and what you feel would be worth implementing to keep you competitive. I mean, take a look at <url snipped>. Include a free WHMCS license, free WHMCS configuration, free domain, free SSL certificate, domain reseller etc etc.

Play with things, engage your clients and find out what they want and see if you can implement it realistically.

MOD NOTE: Edited for content.
What the Best Reseller Program should Contain?
suggest some ideas.

It depends on what you're looking for. How much space do you need, how much bandwidth? Do you want your host to be the support-line for your customers? Do you want anonymous nameservers? Do you need a billing system, or do you already use one?
Click around, compare plans, pricing and support.
It really does depend.. Obviously basic WHM access, but the more they pay - the more features they should get access to. Free WHMCS is always a plus as well.
Making your own research would always bring more relevant results as they are taken from your market and with your target audience. First of all check the Reseller Plans of as many companies as you can and see what they offer in their packages. From the general picture dissolve into features. Now make your research for the features, where can you get them, what are the prices, do they have a high demand and, of course, if you can afford to include them in your plans while still keeping a good price, both for you and the client.

It all comes down to your budget and how fast you are looking to make a revenue. You can go ahead and offer free Private DNS, WHM, SSL, SSH, billing software, merchant account, affordable domains etc. but if you cannot sustain that business model you will soon give up and disappear like many before you. Don't be one of "those" guys :rolleyes2
I think you should look for companies providing TurnKey Reseller Hosting solutions. Well, this plan include everything needed for a customer to start their own web hosting company or for developers to resell space to their clients.
IN order to be the best you have to be able to target your clients in the best way you can..

Maning if your providing reseller hosting for business to start selling hosting then including a free whmcs license would be a bonus but on the other hand if your providing reseller for a personal bucket of sites then maybe theres something else you can offer like free templates (Html&Css) be sure these templates are secured as they can be a target for hackers to come and try to compromise a part of your site or data.

There are many things you can do. Just think outside the box try providing something other hosts can't provide or aren't able to provide this way you can stand out and people will end up coming to you for that once service or feature no other host is able to offer it like you could.
Like others have mentioned, it just all depends on what you are requiring such as diskspace, bandwidth, account creation limits, extras like fantastico or softaculous as well as billing software for free like blesta or whmcs.
Your questions is a little vague. Are you asking what a Reseller Plan you are selling should contain, or what you should be paying people to resell your service?
End user support would be a great feature to provide, however may be quite hard and require a good help desk solution for easy management.
End user support would be a great feature to provide, however may be quite hard and require a good help desk solution for easy management.

End user support is not that hard to provide, we set up a special support department with a custom field which asked for their resellers details, so you know who they are a client of.
End user support is not that hard to provide, we set up a special support department with a custom field which asked for their resellers details, so you know who they are a client of.

Problem is, most reseller clients would prefer to hide the fact that support is being provided by another company. Also, most would prefer not to tell their clients they're just on a reseller package of another company so it becomes a little difficult to provide end user support.

Actually going back on that, it doesn't have to be difficult if you can justify the cost of building a module to automate everything (whitelabel helpdesk, integrated with a billing system such as WHMCS).
Problem is, most reseller clients would prefer to hide the fact that support is being provided by another company. Also, most would prefer not to tell their clients they're just on a reseller package of another company so it becomes a little difficult to provide end user support.

Actually going back on that, it doesn't have to be difficult if you can justify the cost of building a module to automate everything (whitelabel helpdesk, integrated with a billing system such as WHMCS).

Yes, but for resellers who want you to handle their clients supports its a simple process. i also think Modules Garden has a module that allows you to automate this from your own WHMCS
not sure i am sure i reads this on the WHMCS forum some time ago

Well I think in most cases your setup wouldn't work. Maybe for a design agency or something where they're already pointing out they're providing hosting services from X.

Though from experience, I find most would prefer to hide the fact they're a reseller of X. In doing so, the support needs to be specially setup so the clients can't figure out who is providing the support.

Where have you taken this info from?

Which information are you referring too?
Well I think in most cases your setup wouldn't work.

My setup does work. If one of my clients asks if i could help one of their clients then i will given them a specific support department link to use and explain to them the charges for this and if they want invoiced or they want me to invoice their client, but payment is needed before the support will be given. They are well aware doing this would tell their client who they are hosted with
My setup does work. If one of my clients asks if i could help one of their clients then i will given them a specific support department link to use and explain to them the charges for this and if they want invoiced or they want me to invoice their client, but payment is needed before the support will be given. They are well aware doing this would tell their client who they are hosted with

I didn't say your setup does not work and I'm glad it does work for you. In my post I said in most cases. Maybe that should read: Out of what I have seen, in most cases [...].
It can never be stressed to highly enough that nowadays, cheap web hosting plans does not necessarily mean poor quality and service. Check on the disk space allocation, bandwidth, security features, traffic flow, e-mail storage capacity, and the kind of multiple domain accounts.

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