Windows or Linux

For are for different purposes and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Windows hosting will offer you a GUI interface and is easy to use. It is ideal for newbie webmasters. Linux hosting is a more secure and reliable hosting source and is a professional platform to use.
Both are similar however have wide ranging differences the requirement purely boils down to your personal needs such as: how do you wish to access the server, how is your website built and what works best for you? For example you may wish to access your windows platform directly via RDP or you may prefer to have a control panel such as cPanel with WHM for Linux - again these boil down to your requirements/preferences.
It sounds like you're new to hosting, OP. If the server runs something important I think in your case you should go with whichever one you're more comfortable with.

Despite what fanboy comments you'll hear about Linux or Windows, a well run Windows server is better than a poorly run Linux server and vice versa.
As far as web hosting goes, Windows is better because you can natively run php or .net. With Linux you can only do php. As a matter of fact, a good sys admin and get php to run faster on windows than linux
Both are good. If you are using Microsoft technologies i.e. .Net, MVC, Microsoft SQL server, you have no other choice than Windows hosting.

If you just need PHP and MySQL support (no other Windows technology), Linux hosting is better.
Windows and Linux both type of Servers supports PHP and MySQL Hosting. Linux can be optimized to work in almost any environment and provides overall increased performance. Windows Server works seamlessly and it provides ease of use. Windows Server offers support for ASP and ASP.NET for website hosting, something that a Linux server can’t offer. If you are working mainly in HTML, PHP, Javascript, etc. then you will never notice the difference between these two.

I will prefer you to choose that OS which is best suitable for all your requirements.
I would suggest some information how to choose Windows or Linux hosting.

> Choose a Linux Hosting account if you are going to use PHP, Perl, Tomcat, Ruby on Rails or CGI scripting. Our Linux accounts use a MySQL database

> Choose a Windows Hosting account if you are going to use ASP.NET, Apache Tomcat, PHP 5, Perl, CGI, .Net 4.5 . Our Windows hosting customers can also use SQL Server (MS SQL 2008/ 2012 R2 Express edition).
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Linux is much more reliable and supports most of windows-based software, yet some technologies like .NET or Visual Basic require Windows only.

All in all, your needs define your choice, this was said many times before.
Honestly, you can put VM's on Windows and run it as Linux, you truly don't have to pick and choose.

Myself, my work computer has Hyper-V where I can set up different computers etc to my network. It allows you to experiment etc, however, most companies use linux based softwares unless they're building something, or using a specific software.

The only true reason I can see to use a Windows OS is to have a dedicated computer at your side, because linux isn't made to handle the same kind of wear and tear that windows is.
Similar to what many have stated, it depends on requirements. Both are good in my opinion as they both have their strengths, we use Windows which was most effective for our infrastructure and control panel application as I've found it is well supported.
Similar to what many have stated, it depends on requirements. Both are good in my opinion as they both have their strengths, we use Windows which was most effective for our infrastructure and control panel application as I've found it is well supported.

Which control panel are you using? We offer both Linux and Windows hosting which is working very well for us. For Windows, we use WebsitePanel.
There is a reason why most of the internet runs a *nix OS and that's because its more stable, more reliable, and more secure. I use to run windoze on a desktop about 15 years ago which is when I lost most of my hair, but after switching to Mandrake ( now Mageia) it stopped falling out. :devil:
Windoze?? is that still around?
The only true reason I can see to use a Windows OS is to have a dedicated computer at your side, because linux isn't made to handle the same kind of wear and tear that windows is.

No you're right, linux will take alot more wear and tear than windows. Host and ISPs use linux for uptime and flexibility, not just for price.

The cost of a windows license, is nothing in the long run, but why pay for Windows if it's not necessary as Linux is better as most things than windows. (.ASP and .NET are the exceptions)

Free is not an issue for us, we pay monthly fees for our Supported Enterprise Linux, as we would rather have support for our customers rather than just community support.

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