Effective ways to improve link popularity for a website!


New member
In this topic I would like to list the most popular technologies which are used to increase incoming link popularity for a website!

- Web link directory submission;
- Article directory submission;
- Social bookmarking;
- Press release submission;
- Search engine submission;
- Forum posting;
- Link exchange with topic related sites

If you would like to add a new method on how to increase website link popularity or discuss listed ones – you are welcome to continue this post!
good trick for promoting website

you can promote your site by using different tool like search engine like
but actually there a lot of search engine just be wise how to use it.
then make your post interesting and lively :)

Yahoo Search Engine Update 2009
- Web link directory submission;
- Article directory submission;
- Social bookmarking;
- Press release submission;
- Search engine submission;
- Forum posting;
- Link exchange with topic related sites

That pretty much sums it up.

Offline link search can be quite effective + some people allow dofollow links in comments on their blog, but you need to make sure your comments are actually valuable and relevant
If you are a design or hosting company, ask your clients to post a link to your site. MANY of them will do this (even a text link at the bottom of the page). Setting up an affiliate program will intice them more to give you a link.

Beyond that, I think you covered the main ways of link building. Many web link directories are ignored by the search engines, these are more used for human eyes and search engine eyes.

Also wherever you submit to, be aware of the "nofollow" tag in the link - if it has that, then the link is not being followed by search engines, so again, the link is for humans only.
If you are a design or hosting company, ask your clients to post a link to your site. MANY of them will do this (even a text link at the bottom of the page). Setting up an affiliate program will intice them more to give you a link.

Nice idea, Handsonhosting.

But affiliate links will look something like: domain.com?refid=111

Do you think this this kind of link would pass any PR value to domain.com?
Most dont care about the affiliate part when it comes to design clients. They will just put your link on their site becuase you made it. After awhile, you will notice more traffic.
If you are a hosting company, you can submit your company & hosting plans to hosting directories.

<<MOD NOTE: Post edited for self-promotion. Advertising is not allowed.>>
In this topic I would like to list the most popular technologies which are used to increase incoming link popularity for a website!

- Web link directory submission;
- Article directory submission;
- Social bookmarking;
- Press release submission;
- Search engine submission;
- Forum posting;
- Link exchange with topic related sites

If you would like to add a new method on how to increase website link popularity or discuss listed ones – you are welcome to continue this post!

This sums up everything I'm familiar with when it comes to gaining link popularity, and I am eager myself to be made aware of other ways :)
There are a ton of people pushing for directory submissions but I contacted one of my old vendors for this last night and she said she only had a limited selection. I kind of thought that was silly since there are so many places out there that do this, are they all just using the same list?
Use buildtraffic.net site it will guide you in the best ways to promote the site, its paid but we are seeing that its useful for companies with least competitive keywords
If you are a design or hosting company, ask your clients to post a link to your site. MANY of them will do this (even a text link at the bottom of the page). Setting up an affiliate program will intice them more to give you a link.

Beyond that, I think you covered the main ways of link building. Many web link directories are ignored by the search engines, these are more used for human eyes and search engine eyes.

Also wherever you submit to, be aware of the "nofollow" tag in the link - if it has that, then the link is not being followed by search engines, so again, the link is for humans only.
Yes, I appreciate your idea on affiliate program! Many huge hosting providers do the same!
Search engine submission isn't really going to help link popularity directly, it's just going to help get your site indexed in the many smaller search engines.
If you are a design or hosting company, ask your clients to post a link to your site. MANY of them will do this (even a text link at the bottom of the page). Setting up an affiliate program will intice them more to give you a link.

IS it really work? I always think that it is not nice.. It is like pushing the clients to do something.. but if it really works, that means some people don't think like me:))
As a design company we received many postings from users praising our work and they were more than happy to post a link to us to help us grow.

Even as a hosting company, you'd be surprised how many people post links. We do so little paid advertising that everything is word of mouth by our users. If we do a good job, they have no problem referring other people.

Some people have signed up on our affiliate program so they get a return based on those who signup through their site - but even without that, many people link to us due to the service we provide.

You shouldn't struture it so that they get "X" dollars OFF their design/hosting if they plug you, but people posting to help your business grow is VERY common and does work. At least it's worked for us for many many years.
As a design company we received many postings from users praising our work and they were more than happy to post a link to us to help us grow.

Even as a hosting company, you'd be surprised how many people post links. We do so little paid advertising that everything is word of mouth by our users. If we do a good job, they have no problem referring other people.

Some people have signed up on our affiliate program so they get a return based on those who signup through their site - but even without that, many people link to us due to the service we provide.

You shouldn't struture it so that they get "X" dollars OFF their design/hosting if they plug you, but people posting to help your business grow is VERY common and does work. At least it's worked for us for many many years.

You are a smart man my friend.
Local advertising is one way to go about it, but effective local advertising might be a bit cheaper then advertising on the internet, this is what I have seen over my years in the industry.

This is a good idea for hosts just starting out and can’t afford to spend 1000's of dollars a month on advertising.

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